Searching for Saddam's Stash

Where-oh-where are Iraq's weapons of mass destruction?

Critics of the administration want answers from the administration, but it's funny how some of them didn't demand nearly as much from the United Nations (search). Back then it was OK to wait to find those weapons, for as long as it takes, whatever it takes.


I mean it's not as if we doubt they "were" there and you seemed pretty darn patient when the U.N. was debating just how many were possibly hidden there. But now that we've kicked a certain dictator "out" of there, you're "everywhere."

Here's what I want to know: If you're so hot-to-trot to talk about what we didn't find, you might want to mention what we "did" find.

Like bodies. Thousands, maybe tens of thousands of them popping up in hastily dug mass graves all over Iraq.

Like chemical weapons suits. Hundreds of them -- maybe more -- and I don't think they were for a costume party.

Like witnesses. Scores of whom talked about torture and curious movements in the night, trucks carrying things, moving things.

Those are real things. But then there are other things you can't put a number on.

Things like smiles, of people liberated.

Like religious marches, of people finally free to march.

Like hope, in the faces of people who once had no hope.

It's amazing what critics forget. They forget that the U.N. never got a full accounting of those weapons. Saddam never gave an itemized list. He never mentioned anything about a bonfire that destroyed them, or a pit he buried them in.

I don't recall him gleefully offering up his weapons scientists. I do recall him delaying inspectors and intimidating scientists. You can do a lot when you delay and you intimidate.

I guess I'm not surprised a guy who spent his life hiding and deceiving then, has us still hunting and guessing now. I guess I am a little surprised how it didn't bug you then, but it really bugs you now.

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