
A student group at Rutgers University (search) has demanded sandwich vendors on campus change the names of sandwiches that have been deemed offensive.

Some of the sandwiches, which have been voted the best "fat" sandwiches by Maxim magazine, are called; "Fat Dyke," "Fat Phillipino" [sic] and "Fat Bitch." The big bites are sold by so-called "grease trucks" on the New Jersey school's main road.

"We feel that those names are inappropriate and offensive and that they contribute to a hostile climate at the trucks and that makes people feel unwelcome," said Laurie Marhoefer, a student member of the Rutgers gay students group.

Some students don't care what their favorite eats are called.

"I don't take any offense to it, it's not as if ... this is in any way like, detracting from my culture or sense of identity, you know," said Ben Rojo, who described himself as Filipino-American.

Rutgers cited a contract clause between the trucks and the university when it forced the vendors to change the names. Some students say the forced change is akin to censorship, but others agree with the change and say making all students feel comfortable is more important.

The students who filed the complaint say they're satisfied with the actions the university has taken but they still hope the dialogue spurred by the controversy will continue.

But a grease truck worker identified only as "Mr. C" told The Daily Targum, the Rutgers student newspaper, that the move was wrong.

"I'm very upset. We're all very upset," he said. "I've been selling [Fat] Bitches for 14 years."

Click on the video box at the top of this story to watch a report by FOX News' Jamie Colby.