Former TV star Roseanne Barr blasted Oprah Winfrey’s endorsement of Barack Obama on her Web site this week, calling the talk show host a "closeted Republican."
“Oprah has given us Swartzenegger [sic] and Dr. Phil,” Roseanne writes. “If that was not offensive enough to decent thinking people, now she brings us Obama.”
Roseanne also "tells" Winfrey, “You are a closeted republican and chose Barak [sic] Obama because you do not like other women who actually stand for something to working American Women besides glamour, angels, Hollywood and dieting!”
Wednesday night, Roseanne wrote, “I have decided that having a woman president before any man of any color is what these times call for.”
But Thursday morning she said she likes Oprah and Obama, and was sorry for coming off harshly.
"I am so sorry for sounding like I don't like Oprah or Obama. I do. Oprah has been a force for good for a long time, and I just got carried away with my preference for Hilary [sic] over Obama. I think she is smarter and better than he is, but either of them is better than any Republican, and will get my vote no matter who ends up on top.
"I got upset because I felt Oprah was adding to the divisiveness in this country. I am sorry Oprah, I really do admire and love you for all the good you do and have done in this country and the world at large. I am just so worried about another Republican getting in, my stomache hurts and I can't sleep, and I go over the top sometimes!"