Rolling Stone Will Accept Ad for New Bible

Rolling Stone (search) magazine has reversed itself and agreed to accept an advertisement for a new translation of the Bible, the nation's largest Bible (search) publisher said Tuesday.

Rolling Stone sent Zondervan (search) a contract for a half-page ad in the rock magazine's Feb. 24 issue, said Doug Lockhart, Zondervan executive vice president of marketing. He said Rolling Stone gave no explanation for its change of heart.

A spokeswoman for Rolling Stone publisher Wenner Media LLC did not immediately return a call for comment.

Zondervan bought space in the magazine months ago as part of an ad campaign for a new Bible translation aimed at young people, called Today's New International Version. About two weeks ago, the publisher said it was told that Rolling Stone's policy was not to accept advertisements for religious materials.

Lockhart said the contract sent to Zondervan does not require it to make any changes to the ad, which features a contemplative-looking young man and says the new Bible is "written in today's language, for today's times — and it makes more sense than ever."

"We're thrilled," Lockhart said.

Other media outlets that agreed to carry the ad include Modern Bride, The Onion, and AOL, Lockhart said.