Reports of Letters From Scott Peterson to Casey Anthony in Jail Are Untrue

Reports of convicted wife-killer Scott Peterson writing letters to accused child murderer Casey Anthony in jail turned out to be false, the Orlando Sentinel reported.

Several sources close to the Anthony case told the newspaper that the 22-year-old mother, charged with killing her toddler daughter Caylee, had gotten correspondence from Peterson since she's been behind bars.

But officials looking into the allegations learned that Anthony never received mail from Peterson, who was convicted of murdering his wife Laci and unborn baby boy Conner in 2005, according to the Sentinel.

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The rumor may have begun with Anthony herself. She reportedly told a corrections officer about some of her mail, the newspaper said.

A spokesman for Anthony's lawyer Jose Baez said his client had gotten a letter from someone with the last name Peterson who lives in San Diego. Baez told the newspaper that he checks Anthony's mail and would know if Scott Peterson had written to her.

Calls to Peterson's lawyer made by the Sentinel were not returned. None of the people who told the paper about the alleged correspondence saw any of the letters.

A spokesman at California's San Quentin State Prison, where Peterson is on death row, told the newspaper that wardens don't monitor his mail but do not believe he sent any letters to Anthony.

Officials at the Orange County Jail, where Anthony is being held, told that no record of correspondence between the two exists.

"We have no knowledge of any communications between Orange County Inmate Casey Anthony and California Inmate Scott Peterson," the jail said in a prepared statement.

Anthony entered a not guilty plea this week to charges she murdered Caylee, who has been missing since mid-June. She's due to stand trial Jan. 5, 2009.

Peterson has maintained his innocence, even since he was found guilty and sentenced to death.

Click here for Casey Anthony's indictment.

Click here for more from the Orlando Sentinel.

Click here for a timeline of the Casey Anthony case.

Click here for some of the documents released.