Report: Shoe Hurled at Iranian President Ahmadinejad

Several months after an Iraqi reporter threw his shoes at President Bush, a shoe has been hurled at Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad while he was on the way to an election rally in Urmia, reported.

The imitation attack took place as Ahmadinejad was traveling to a local stadium to deliver an election speech, and his convoy sped away after the shoe was thrown.

The incident was not reported by Iranian media, according to Haaretz, but has been widely discussed among the republic's blogosphere. Some pro-Ahmadinejad bloggers have denied the incident occurred.

Reports have not specified exactly when the event occurred, but have said it took place at some point over the last few days. The shoe-throwing allegedly occurred after an elderly pedestrian was hurt by Ahmadinejad's convoy, Haaretz reported.

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