Report: Renee Zellweger Says Gaining and Losing Weight for 'Bridget Jones' Was 'Horrible'

Renee Zellweger isn't looking forward to the prospect of packing on pounds for a third "Bridget Jones" film, the British Daily Mail reported.

For her first two films as Helen Fielding's lovable diary-writing single gal, pin-thin Renee put on about 30 pounds, then rapidly lost the weight.

Asked whether the health implications of such yo-yo dieting were a factor in reprising the role (a third film is only a possibility at this point), Renee said: "You are not kidding. Can I just tell you my body is whacked by the time we finish one of those. It doesn't know what has happened because it thinks there's supposed to be a baby and there's no christening."

Click here for the Daily Mail report

She added: "Did you see that movie about fast food, 'Super Size Me?' I had a panic attack with all the specialists talking about how bad this is for you, long term, putting on that much weight in short periods of time and they're all saying, 'You must stop this now or you're going to die.'"

Renee, who was speaking in New York, recalled the overeating she had to do to gain weight for the first film in 2001.

"It sounds like heaven," she said. "For two days it's bliss and then you're full, OK? And you can then indulge all your fantasies about over-eating.

"Fantasies about non-stop chocolate consumption or your fantasies about ordering the pizza and the spaghetti and the garlic bread.

"Then after a week your glucose levels are going crazy. You're up and down and all over the place. It doesn't feel good, and no one wants to hear that, but it's the truth."

And the dieting afterward is no fun, either, she says.

"It was horrible," said Renee. "On one side it's fantastic because you get to go back to taking care of yourself, so you feel wonderful, but the first lap around the track I felt like I had a toddler on my back."