Report: FBI Raid of David Copperfield's Warehouse May Involve His Pick-Up Techniques

David Copperfield designed part of his show around "a system for picking up women," which may explain the FBI's interest in his camera system and hard drive, sources told TMZ.

Last week, the FBI raided Copperfield's Las Vegas warehouse and seized digital camera equipment and a hard drive to a computer after a Seattle woman accused him of sexually assaulting her in the Bahamas.

During his show, Copperfield goes into the audience and chooses women to come on stage. If he likes a woman, he'll use code words with assistants like "mama" and "secrecy," TMZ reported.

Click here to read the TMZ report

The assistants mark the women on a map of the inside of the Hollywood Theater at MGM Grand. After the show, the women are brought backstage, and told that Copperfield may use them in his show when he comes to their hometown.

They are then photographed with a digital camera, asked questions like, "What is your favorite men's cologne?" and "Where do you like to vacation?"

One of those vacation spots mentioned by staff is the Bahamas, TMZ reported, where the accuser claims she was assaulted. Copperfield owns a cluster of islands in the Bahamas — which he bought for $50 million.

In response to the TMZ story, Copperfield's attorney re-issued his earlier statement: "It is important these allegations be put into perspective. An unidentified woman has made serious allegations against David Copperfield. Although authorities have not revealed her identity to us, we know these allegations are false because David Copperfield has never forced himself on anyone."