
Ellen DeGeneres crossed Writers Guild picket lines to tape her show Tuesday, the New York Post's Page Six gossip column reported.

"There's a writers' strike going on, and here in Los Angeles, it's a huge story," she told her studio audience. (The episode will air Friday.)

"I want to say I love my writers. I love them. In honor of them today, I'm not going to do a monologue. I support them and hope that they get everything they're asking for. And I hope it works out soon. In the meantime, people have traveled across the country. They've made plans. They're here. I want to do everything I can to make your trip enjoyable and give you a show."

Click here for the Page Six report

But on a blog called Surgical Strikes, a person purporting to be a former writer for "The Ellen Show" says he's not surprised that she crossed picket lines, given that she treated her writers "like [expletive]."

"We'd watch her in rehearsals, smiling and winning us over with her charm and comic timing. Then the director would yell cut, her face would fall, and she'd level a glare at the writers. 'Why do you keep writing these unfunny jokes?' she'd hiss.

"Ellen frequently eviscerated the head writer and ... boasted of the changes she'd make in season two, starting with his firing," the writer says, claiming to be a former writer for her 2001-02 sitcom.

"I'm disappointed in Ellen [for crossing the picket line] but not surprised ... given what I've seen from her with my own two eyes," the writer adds.

DeGeneres last made headlines for adopting a dog and promptly giving it away, breaking her contract with the adoption agency. She then went on TV to plead with the agency to let her friends keep the dog. They refused to do so.