Report: Al Qaeda in Weak Financial State

The tough economic times are being felt across the globe — even by some terror groups, according to a new report that Al Qaeda is struggling with weak finances. The Taliban, on the other hand, has seen funding soar through the roof, according to a report by BBC News.

Al Qaeda has lobbied its network for financial support, U.S. Treasury Official David Cohen told BBC News. Cohen told the news organization that the drop in funding has affected Al-Qaeda’s training and recruitment.

“We assess that Al Qaeda is in its weakest financial condition in several years and that, as a result, its influence is waning,” said Cohen, according to BBC News.

While Al Qaeda’s influence wanes, the Taliban’s financial portfolio is strengthening, due in part to the flourishing drug trade in Afghanistan.

It is more challenging for the U.S. to stop cash from entering the hands of the Taliban because the terror group’s network is so widespread and diverse, according to BBC News.

Cohen stressed to BBC News that despite its current situation, Al Qaeda does continue to have solid benefactors who are "ready, willing and able to contribute" and could quickly improve Al Qaeda’s financial state.

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