Report: 1 in 8 Female Students Pregnant at Chicago High School

The number of teenage moms has increased in recent years — and one Chicago high school has reportedly become a shocking example of that, revealing that one in eight of its female students are pregnant.

Of the 800 female students at Paul Robeson High School in Chicago, Ill., 115 are expectant mothers, reported Thursday.

The staggering number can be attributed to various factors inside the home — not the school — principal Gerald Morrow told the station.

"It can be a lot of things that are happening in the home or not happening in the home, if you will," Morrow said, according to the network, noting that "absentee fathers" are another factor in the school's high number of teen pregnancies.

The birth rate for teens ages 15 to 19 increased 5 percent from 2005 to 2007, according to a March 18 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics.

Morrow was not immediately available for comment Friday when contacted by

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