Remembering Tony Snow

Tony Snow touched many lives in his roles as broadcast personality and White House press secretary. Here's how those who knew him remember him:

"Laura and I are deeply saddened by the death of our dear friend, Tony Snow. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife, Jill, and their children, Kendall, Robbie and Kristi. The Snow family has lost a beloved husband and father. And America has lost a devoted public servant and a man of character. ... He brought wit, grace and a great love of country to his work. His colleagues will cherish memories of his energetic personality and relentless good humor. All of us here at the White House will miss Tony, as will the millions of Americans he inspired with his brave struggle against cancer."

— President George W. Bush

"He served people, and we can learn from that. He was kind, and we can learn from that. He was just a good person."

— former President George H.W. Bush

"The White House has lost a great friend and a great colleague. We all loved watching him at the podium, but most of all we learned how to love our families and treat each other. We have Jill and the children in our thoughts and prayers."

— White House Press Secretary and former Snow deputy Dana Perino

"Tony did his job with more flair than almost any press secretary before him. He loved the give-and-take. But that was possible only because Tony was a man of substance who had real beliefs and principles that he was more than able to defend."

— Bush's former chief speechwriter William McGurn.

"Churchill said, 'I like a man who grins when he fights,' and that was Tony Snow. For 35 years, as a writer, broadcaster and spokesman, he fought fiercely for what he believed in, and he did it with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye. His loss is a loss for our country. ... Despite everything Tony did and achieved in life, he never forgot his hometown roots or those who grew up with him. He was a proud son of Cincinnati, and I will miss him."

— House Republican Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio

"Tony brought great determination to his long career in journalism and public service, and his approach to his battle with cancer was no different. My thoughts are with his family."

— Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid

"Tony was a man of unique talent and extraordinary character — a determined spokesman, a dogged conservative, and a dedicated husband and father. His influence on the political dialogue of this country was as remarkable as it was pervasive — but at no time did Tony ever perspective on what was truly important in his life, and at no point did he ever lose the famous sense of humor and wit which accompanied that perspective."

— House Republican Whip Roy Blunt, R-Mo.

"He was a loving father, husband, friend and truly one of America's most gifted commentators. Whether he sat behind a radio mic or stood behind a White House podium, Tony Snow always sought to give the American people new insights into our government, political process and leaders. He asked the tough questions and took them as well. Even when diagnosed with cancer, his fight served as an inspiration to all Americans."

— Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

"Tony Snow's passing is a national loss. His intellect, his decency and his professionalism set a high standard for conservatives in public service and journalism. America will miss his voice and I will miss a friend."

— Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind.

"It's a tremendous loss for us who knew him, but it's also a loss for the country."

— FOX News Chairman Roger Ailes

"Even if you were just a work friend of his, your life was enriched. Being around him made you a better person, a better journalist. That's the thing I've been missing about Tony for the last year or so."

— FOX News Congressional Correspondent Major Garrett

"Tony Snow was a gentleman."

— FOX News Chief Washington Correspondent Jim Angle

"He was a lot of fun."

— Griff Jenkins, Snow's FOX News producer

"I started off working at FOX as a producer for Tony's 'Weekend Live' show. I've worked with him and watched him from the control room during the lead-up to the Iraq war and also during the last election cycle. I was in Egypt in May, interviewing the Egyptian president's son. The information minister had a conversation with me about how much they liked and respected Tony Snow. Many people don't realize Tony's international reach."

— Reena Ninan, FOX News Jerusalem bureau