Remember to Look at the Big Picture

I'm about to show you something here that I think will help tie everything together that we've been talking about for months.

You know, when I first started this show, I told you that my goal was to always tell the truth as I understand it. But also, to do something different. The fringe media just touches on things — they don't see the big picture.

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Here, we're trying to connect the dots for you.

Let me give you a few stories we've done:

There's Van Jones — to the fringe media this was barely a story at all. And even then, it was disconnected from anything else. He was just the green job guy who's a 9/11 "Truther." He didn't even know what he was signing and why would anyone care about attacking the poor man who's just trying to create safe, effective, clean energy jobs?

There was the stimulus bill. My question was: Who wrote this thing? We found out and told you: It was the Apollo Alliance — a progressive, George Soros-funded, extreme left-wing organization. Harry Reid admitted to the nation — no, actually, he thanked the Apollo Alliance for their help.

It seems we need to give up that old-fashioned notion that Congress — the men and women we elect and send to Washington — actually write the bills, they're not reading and passing. Turns out, they don't.

In some completely unrelated stories, we've told you about the ACORN corruption, which has been very evident this past week. And the fringe media has made this into a story that they're just touching on: Just a few bad workers and not massive fraud on the American taxpayers — let alone the power that they hold.

And, we've told you that there are radicals — communist, Marxists and revolutionaries — all around the president.

There's someone else that we've introduced to you that no one else is talking about, which in a few minutes, will be mind-boggling to you. And that's why I think it's time to reintroduce you to him. He was a Weather Underground founder — no, not William Ayers — the other Weather Underground founder: Jeff Jones.

Remember the Weather Underground bombed the Pentagon and police stations among other things, not to stop the war in Vietnam, but to collapse the American system. These were people who came right from the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). Whenever you see that word "democratic" and it's coming from a group of '60s radicals: run for your life! Literally. That's code for Marxism and communism.

SDS wanted a revolution to overthrow capitalism and the republic in America. But they were split; they didn't know exactly how to accomplish it.

Enter Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. This lovely pair said the best way to bring about the change they sought was to get everyone on welfare, so that the system would eventually collapse under its own weight. Got it?

So, in this group of radicals were a few names we've heard before: Wade Rathke decided to try to accomplish that goal through peaceful means; William Ayers and Jeff Jones went the other way with the Weather Underground.

Why do I bring all of this up now? Why are we still talking about '60s radicals? Because, all of these people are still involved.

Wade Rathke with ACORN; his brother Dale is at SEIU — we think. No one will give us straight answer on where he went after embezzling almost $1 million.

Bill Ayers is in education — infecting young minds with his radicalism as a professor at the University of Illinois.

Jeff Jones runs a consulting firm and chairs the Apollo Alliance in New York — the same Apollo Alliance that wrote the stimulus package.

Does that sound bad? Wait there's more. (Again, the fringe media can't seem to put it together. Why? They are either complicit or wildly out of touch.)

But remember, if you're in the fringe media, this is all just conspiracy theory. I mean, you'd have to verify with crazy technology called — Google. I know — that's certainly not the full power of ABC News, but, I don't have as much time for sailing as Charlie Gibson does.

OK, so remember Jeff Jones — the co-founder of the Weather Underground, the guy we told you about a few weeks ago, due to his connection to the Van Jones. Who, by the way, the White House will remind you on their own blog: "Many of the arbitrarily labeled 'czars' on Beck's list are Senate-confirmed appointees or advisory roles carried over from previous administrations."

Nobody gets it. Step back and look at the big picture.

Nobody has looked into Harry Reid's own words: "This legislation is the first step in building a clean energy economy that creates jobs.... The Apollo Alliance has been an important factor in helping us develop and execute a strategy that makes great progress on these goals and in motivating the public to support them."

Which is why Jeff Jones writes this on his own blog: "Since mid-summer, Glenn Beck, a commentator for FOX News, and others have waged a smear campaign against the Apollo Alliance, and Van Jones, who resigned his White House post as a special adviser to the President on green jobs and clean energy. Because of my work with the New York State Apollo Alliance and my history of political activism, starting with the anti-Vietnam War movement in the 1960s, and my opposition to segregation and racism, I have also been attacked."

Notice that Jeff mentions opposition to segregation and racism. But is that what he's really known for? He conveniently leaves out co-founding the Weather Underground. That would be like me describing myself as a baker's assistant and not mentioning FOX News or this show — it's what I'm most known for.

Jeff Jones goes on: "I am committed to the idea of building a partnership of workers, environmentalists, business, government, social and environmental justice advocates."

And you know who else is behind that "social justice" thing that Jeff Jones believed in so much he was willing to blow things up?


VAN JONES: The mainstream white polluters and the mainstream white environmentalists wound up collaborating to put all the poisons in the black community, in the Latino community, in the poor communities. The toxic dumps started moving in one direction — not in my backyard.


The Apollo project — the complaint from the Apollo Alliance was that when I talked about who wrote the stimulus bill, that I didn't include big business in there. That was their issue — that was supposed to make it better? So here's who wrote the bill: big labor, social justice advocates, environmentalist and big business? I'm sorry, where are you in that mix?

Jones wrapped it up with this: "I grew up in a Quaker, pacifist family. I was opposed to war, and registered with my draft board as a conscientious objector. But the promise of America for me was marred by segregation, and by a criminal war waged by my government against the people of Vietnam. So, as a teenager and young adult, I dedicated myself to supporting civil rights and opposing racism, and to ending the illegal and genocidal Vietnam War. I was personally enriched by participating in those movements and by the people I met, worked with, and loved in those years. This is what I mean when I say that I do not regret my militant opposition to racism and the Vietnam War. That said, like most people my age, I made my share of mistakes."

Mistakes? Blowing up the Pentagon is not a mistake. Enriched? By his work in the Weather Underground?

But here's where the train really goes off the tracks: "Today, I am using the organizing skills and insights I learned from those movements in my work as a consultant for environmental and labor groups. One is the New York State Apollo Alliance, an affiliate of National Apollo. Apollo is working toward a goal that is simple and straight-forward: create good jobs for working people in the new clean-energy economy. That is a goal I support, and work I continue to do."

So, what do we have here? Jones is using the same contacts and organizing skills that he learned in the '60s — reminder: Weather Underground. Jeff Jones has never disavowed the violence of that organization. William Ayers said in an interview that ran on September 11, 2001 in The New York Times that he wished he would've done more.

The American people wanted to know how close candidate Obama was to William Ayers to see if he had any influence on policy. Yet the fringe media doesn't even bother to look at who is actually writing our policies and who is advising the governor of New York. Not William Ayers — Jeff Jones, the other founder of the Weather Underground.

If the media picks up this story, they will concentrate on Jeff Jones. But that's not the story. You have to stand back and look at the full picture.

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