Profile of Lobbyist Jack Abramoff

Abramoff Career Path:

— Jack Abramoff was born in New Jersey.

— He attended high school in Beverly Hills, Calif.

— As head of the college Republicans, he helped coordinate a "national student liberation day" to celebrate the first anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Grenada.

— Later he worked for the conservative advocacy group Citizens for America until he was fired over questions about mismanaged money.

— He then became chairman of the conservative International Freedom Foundation, later revealed to be financed by the white South African government, according to the South African truth commission.

— In 1986, Abramoff headed to Hollywood, where he produced "Red Scorpion," an anti-communist movie that allegedly got money from the South African military.

— It was the Republican takeover of Congress that brought Abramoff back to Washington.

Alleged Dealings:

— Investigators have been looking into a wealth of alleged dealings involving the 46-year-old Abramoff, including junkets he arranged for politicians like former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay.

Abramoff's Deal:

— Lawyers said today Abramoff has agreed to plead guilty to a series of federal charges and cooperate in an investigation of influence-peddling involving members of Congress.