
Although we find it somewhat hard to swallow, Victoria’s Secret supermodels feel fat and frightful sometimes, just like the rest of us.

"I have a lot of ugly days and bad moments — we don’t just roll out of bed and look like this. We aren’t machines or dolls," Karolina Kurkova told Pop Tarts on Tuesday as the lingerie label ladies received a star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame.

Photo Essay: Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.

"But when I feel like this, it is important for me to exercise and feel strong. I try to eat well and I don’t diet — if I feel like chocolate then I will have some chocolate."

Photo Essays: The Angels arrive in L.A.

So while Karolina turns to sweets when she’s feeling sour, her "Angelic" ally Selita Ebanks prefers hibernation.

"Ugly/fat days are the worst, especially when you know you have to [take your clothes off]," she groaned. "I have some pretty bad days when I wish I could crawl back into bed, but I’m so grateful for my job that I just get on with it."

So while some of the models are sweet, sour and sleepy when the going gets tough, it seems as though Izabel Goulart just prefers to get sweaty.

"Being hot and sweaty is sexy. I like that, and hot weather and running around helps me through my ugly moments," Goulart told FOX. "But who doesn’t have ugly days? I definitely do sometimes. But you just have to keep up a good energy and good mood to get through it."

This Brazilian beauty also insists she and her buddies have bigger brains than they do busts.

"We aren’t just girls who pose in lingerie — we can interact with people and we are very intelligent," she added. "We are pretty but we have great personalities; this brand really allows everybody to see that side of us."

But when it comes to being "Very Sexy," Heidi Klum is a little more honest about the fact that she gets a heap of help.

"Of course, I have ugly days, but that’s why I have so many makeup people and people to do our hair and give us clothes," the German glamour girl said. "We could never look like this on our own."

Click to Watch the Lingerie Ladies Point Out the Bad Bits

"I have so many days when my hair is not good or my skin is bad or I have a little belly," Alessandra Ambrosio added. "But thankfully that is why we have makeup, hair products and different styles of clothes. We have a lot of assistance."

While most of the itty bitty bellas admitted to having bad moments, picture-perfect Adriana Lima declares that she is dazzling every day.

"What is an ugly day? Please name it," the Brazilian babe said. "I am just always happy and grateful for my amazing job and my healthy family. I am never ugly."

You go, girl!

Shakira's Looks Don't Lie

Speaking of star-studded insecurities, it seems songstress Shakira still is somewhat self-conscious despite being the hottest hip-shaking heartbreaker in Hollywood.

Pop Tarts ran into Shakira in an elevator at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills on Sunday, and despite that she looked nothing less than lush, Shakira spent the ride staring at herself in the mirror.

"Do I look OK? Do I look OK?" the "Underneath Your Clothes" Colombian continued to ask Pop Tarts, her publicist, her protection posse and anyone else in the crowded confined space who would listen. "Oh, dear, this hair isn't good." (Believe us, it was perfect).

On the point of perfection, it seems Shakira’s love life is another area she wants to be flawless, and her lawyer fiancé, Antonio de La Rula, comes first before any rhythms.

"I think that nothing can substitute love as the propelling force of everyone's lives," she told People magazine at Sunday’s premiere of "Love in the Time of Cholera."

"It's my No. 1 on my list of priorities, of course. We'll get married eventually, or we won't, but we're together and that's what matters. We love each other and we want to stay like that. Why fix something that's not broken?"

Joely Fisher Survives Serious Car Crash

"'Til Death" star Joely Fisher is thankful for being alive after a very serious car accident early last week, she told Pop Tarts at the launch of the spiritual home furnishings book "Altar Your Space."

"It was just crushing," Fisher said. "It was a head-on collision with someone who ran a light and it was a mess. I had my daughter in the car with me and we both sat on the sidewalk sobbing. But I feel so blessed that both of us and the driver of the car escaped unharmed. It was a miracle, and I’m just so grateful to be here."

Her co-star Brad Garrett also was having a tough week — his father passed away.

"At the moment Brad’s actually going through a really tough time," Fisher said. "He suffered a loss this week of his father. I think I might send him a flower and a candle maybe later tonight."

But with their show on hold due to the writers strike, Fisher hopes to get back to work soon.

"The show is a joy, Brad Garrett is a joy. I’ve been having the best time and I hope that it continues. I don’t want to have to stay quiet for long," she said.

Miss Willis: It's Rumer's Reign

Now this is one hot honor Rumer Willis owes to her star-studded parents Demi Moore and Bruce Willis ...

The future star of the upcoming "Playboy" movie on Wednesday was named by the Hollywood Foreign Press as Miss Golden Globe 2008, and despite that she’s been hitting up the Hollywood scene for quite some time now, this marks Willis’ "official" stepping out into society.

"I was sent an e-mail inviting me to do this and I was like, for sure," Willis told FOX.

Following in the footsteps of Melanie Griffith, Joely Fisher and Laura Dern (the honor is reserved for celebrity children only), Rumer will be given the duty of handing the trophies to the winners at next year’s Golden Globes ceremony ... and who says the children of the stars have to work just as hard to pimp their profiles!

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