Pop Tarts: Kendra Explains How Three Girls Share Hugh Hefner

It can’t be easy sharing your (82-year-old) boyfriend with two other busty blondes, but for the past five years, Kendra Wilkinson, Holly Madison and Bridget Marquardt have all managed to stay on as Hugh Hefner’s leading ladies.

So what makes it work? According to Wilkinson, it is the time spent apart that helps them all stay together.

"We are three very different people — we’re doing very different things with our lives and we don’t step on each other’s toes," she told Pop Tarts at Ryan Sheckler’s X Games Celebrity Golf Tournament in California on Tuesday. "If we all wanted the same thing it wouldn’t have worked, because that’s where all the drama would have started, but we’re like the Spice Girls — I’m the sporty one. We are on different roads and they don’t intersect. We don’t spend time together every day — girls just can’t do that."

But it seems as though Kendra’s road might be leading her away from the iconic Playboy Mansion sometime soon. After five years of hopping about, the "Girl Next Door" says she's getting ready to swap parties for parenting.

"I was only 18 when I first moved in and I’ve grown up so much. I really have a new light on my life," Wilkinson said. "I’ve been thinking a lot about marriage and kids; I don’t care about going crazy and partying anymore. I’m focused on the real life things, my future. That’s who I am now."

Speaking of the current Kendra, this gal has seriously transformed her little bod from toned to super-toned. According to the starlet, results stem from doing "simple things like running and sit-ups" and drinking "lots and lots of carrot juice."

Khloe Kardashian Says She Doesn't Have a Drinking Problem, but Her Brother Also Drinks and Drives

Just 10 days ago, Khloe Kardashian paid a (quick) visit to the pokey for violating the terms of her 2007 DUI arrest and is currently serving out the remainder of an alcohol-education program. But the reality starlet assured Pop Tarts that this time she's really learned her lesson.

"My experience was such an awakening, but in an amazing way," she told us at Malibu’s Project Beach House for the Big Mac anniversary party on Sunday. "Thank God I never got into an accident — I’m glad it happened the way it did for me. God forbid I could have hit or killed someone."

Despite all the drama she has been through, the 24-year-old reality star insisted she doesn’t have a drinking problem and won’t be banning the booze anytime soon.

"I will still drink and have fun, but I’ll always organize a driver," Khloe said. "I know what to do and what not to do — that’s what’s important."

But it turns out that Khloe isn’t the only Kardashian guilty of getting behind the wheel after a few too many — she also revealed that her 21-year-old brother Robert did the deed regularly.

"He will drink and drive whether he’ll admit it or not," she said. "But he won’t do it again because of what I have been through. I spent $50,000 in lawyer’s fees, but it’s not just the money — it is the heartache I’ve put my family through. It’s been stressful."

Speaking of family, sister Kim Kardashian was far from sympathetic.

"If you make a mistake, you have to pay the consequences," Kim said sharply. "She made a huge mistake."

Is Adrian Grenier's Gal Moving On With Shia?

Gorgeous Isabel Lucas (who is co-starring with Shia LaBeouf in the second "Transformers" film) just so happened to be the unfortunate passenger in his car accident on Sunday morning.

And word on the street is that the relationship between LaBeouf and Lucas, 23, may be morphing into something that is more than just professional. The Australian actress started dating Adrian Grenier in March, but according to inside sources, she broke up with the "Entourage" star just two weeks ago — the day before his 32nd birthday.

But Lucas was seen walking with Grenier on Tuesday, and stayed mum when asked by photographers about being a passenger in LaBeouf's truck.

"She's OK, we're good," Grenier said as he and the actress walked together in L.A.

Rep: Madonna Is Happy and Healthy

Madonna was pap-snapped leaving a Kabbalah Center over the weekend with a bony body and a sunken face, but her rep still insists that the Queen of Pop is healthy and happy.

Click here to see a photo.

"I just think the photographer got a bad shot of her or it was touched up to make her look bad," her publicist told People magazine. "I saw Madonna two days before at her rehearsal and she looked amazing — glowing skin and working really hard on her show."

As for the rumors that Madge’s marriage is falling apart and that she’s struggling to cope, her rep said: "She’s in a great space."

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