Police: New York Woman Plotted to Kill Husband's Mistress's Unborn Child

A New York City woman faces charges that she tricked her husband's pregnant mistress into taking a drug that would cause an abortion.

Police say Kisha Jones of Brooklyn used a doctor's prescription pad to order the medication, then phoned the victim pretending to be from her obstetrician's office and told her to pick up the drug at the pharmacy and take it.

The woman fell for the trick, took the drug and went into labor, authorities said. The baby was born two months early, but survived.

Jones then tried again, according to prosecutors.

They say that, posing as the baby's mother, she sent a man to the hospital with two bottles of tainted liquid, saying it was breast milk, and instructed nurses to feed it to the baby.

Hospital staff grew suspicious and called police.

Jones, 31, was arraigned Saturday on charges including forgery, possession of stolen property, assault and unlicensed abortion. A judge ordered her held until Dec. 9.

An attorney appointed to represent her, Eric Hildebrand, said he hadn't yet had time to look into the facts of the case.

Prosecutors described a sophisticated plot.

Authorities said that when Jones first phoned expectant mother Monique Hunter, she used a technological trick called "spoofing" to make it appear as if the call had indeed originated from the doctor's office.

"I got a call from my doctor's office telling me to pick up a prescription at King's Pharmacy," Hunter told The New York Post. "I knew something was suspicious because King's Pharmacy was not my normal pharmacy. But I didn't think anything of it."

Investigators were trying to learn the identity of the man who brought the liquid to the hospital.