'Plausible Threat' Shuts Down U.S. Embassy in Manila

The U.S. Embassy in Manila closed to the public on Tuesday after receiving "plausible threat information," the embassy said in a statement.

The statement, posted on its Web site, did not elaborate. It said the embassy would resume all public operations, including visa operations, "when deemed appropriate."

Manila Radio DZMM reported that police operatives were inside the embassy compound along Manila Bay after a bomb threat Monday night, but officials did not comment immediately.

"The threat we received we felt was plausible enough to merit closing temporarily services to the public," embassy spokesman Matthew Lussenhop told Radio DZMM.

Although often mentioned as a potential terrorist target, the embassy has rarely closed.

The Philippines is home to the Al Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf group, which is on a U.S. list of terrorist organizations, as well as Indonesian-based Jemaah Islamiyah operatives.

U.S. troops have been playing an active role in counterterrorism training of Filipino soldiers, and are providing intelligence and other assets to authorities battling militants in the southern Philippines.