
Blockbuster war movie Pearl Harbor is to be cut for Japanese audiences - to keep the old enemy happy.

The German version of the most expensive film ever is also being trimmed.

Producers are ditching a closing speech by Brit Kate Beckinsale, 27, telling how the U.S. bounced back from the cowardly Japanese raid on the American fleet at Pearl Harbor to win the war.

The decision came after Disney chiefs canvassed people worldwide to see if anyone would be offended.

A source said: "We've tried very hard not to portray the Japanese in a very bad light.

"They are a huge market and accounted for 20 percent of profits for Titanic.

"The film barely refers to the Germans but we have cut the speech for them, too.

"It won't make a big difference, most people know who won the war."

The ending is not the only change for Japan and Germany. Trailers will focus on romance rather than the amazing battle scenes.

But the conciliatory gesture may not convince the old foes. The source added: "Many Japanese fear the film will be seen as a historical document with them as the baddies."