Paul Newman Aims to Garner Support for Class of '08 Democrats

The Senate Democratic Campaign Committee hopes actor and organic food manufacturer Paul Newman can lure donors to help make the 2008 class of Democratic senators "Newman's Own."

In a video released by the fundraising group, Newman asks supporters to help the committee's cause to elect more Democrats to the Senate and widen the majority.

"While the election may seem far off, the Republican machine is already hard at work launching attack ads, raising money, trying to regain power," Newman said.

Click here to watch the video.

Newman said he's proud to support Democrats.

"My wife says that my proudest moment was when I landed on Richard Nixon's enemies list. I won't argue, maybe I was doing something right," Newman said. "But now I am proud to stand with fellow Democrats, fighting the policies of this White House and their policies on Iraq, terrorism the environment, the economy — they're all making America less strong as a nation."

The video has been posted on the DSCC Web site and sent to people signed up to receive its e-mails.