Online Exclusive: Meet Your New Miss California, Tami Farrell

Tami Farrell has taken over Carrie Prejean's responsibilities as Miss California.

The former first runner up was pressed into service after Prejean was fired by Donald Trump and pageant officials on Wednesday. got the first online interview with Farrell, and asked her about the tumultuous past 24 hours.

PHOTOS: Click for pics of Tami Farell.

FOX: Congratulations. Bit of a strange way of becoming Miss California?

Tami Farrell: Yes, it was definitely a crazy phone call to receive, but I’m excited to represent the state. I only found out yesterday! It was definitely some interesting news to receive but I’m just so excited.

FOX: Are you disappointed now that you won’t be able to compete again for Miss California and have the opportunity to go on to compete for Miss USA?

Tami Farrell: I think I had a bit of a blessing. When I was 18 years old, I was Miss Teen USA, so I had a taste of being a national titleholder and being in the competition. But being able to do things here within the state is great. I am pursuing acting and a screenwriter so being able to focus on projects within the state is a real blessing to me.

FOX: Have you spoken to Carrie?

Tami Farrell: No I haven’t. Unfortunately she and I never really established a relationship or friendship at the pageant but I wish her the best of luck in whatever she does now.

FOX: We hear that when you were Miss Teen USA, you baked cookies for Trump. So you must have a good relationship with him?

Tami Farrell: Yes I used to bake him cookies and brownies! I’ve got a good working relationship with Mr. Trump, it is always good to have him on your side.

FOX: Apparently! What are you hoping to achieve in the few months you'll be Miss California?

Tami Farrell: I have a lot of events and appearances lined up. I also do a lot of work with this charity called Sparrow Club that helps kids with medical needs. I’m really hoping I can focus on that, as well as other charities aligned with the Miss Universe Organization.

FOX: The Miss California organization obviously needs a boost right now.

Tami Farrell: Definitely. With all the attention that’s been given to the program, there are many things you can do, but I think the best way to handle the recent controversy is just to re-focus it and bring back a positive light.

FOX: No hard feelings that you didn’t win the title outright last year?

Tami Farrell: Everything in life happens for a reason, and I think Carrie won for a purpose. I’m just excited to see what I can do in the next few months of my reign.'s Complete Coverage of the Miss California Firing

EXCLUSIVE: Prejean's Emails to Pageant Director Show Escalating Tensions

TRANSCRIPT: E-mails Between Carrie Prejean and Keith Lewis

PHOTOS: Click for pics of Tami Farell.

PHOTOS: Click for pics of Carrie Prejean.

RAW DATA: The press release announcing Prejean's termination (PDF).

RELATED: Click here for's full coverage of Carrie Prejean.