Obama's Definition of Rich Keeps Going Down

They call it a Freudian slip when you say something you didn't intend, but really meant.

That non-staged moment when you blurt out something you didn't intend to.

Like Barack Obama telling "Joe the Plumber" about spreading the wealth.

Or John McCain acknowledging economics wasn't his strong suit.

Or Joe Biden promising tax relief for those earning less than 150,000 a year.

And the listener stops. And thinks.

And in Joe's case, remembers the Obama-Biden ticket promising relief for folks earning $250,000 or less.

And the listener perks up.

What did he mean? Why did he say that?

And the Obama camp comes out with a non-statement statement saying that "no family making less than $250,000 will see their taxes increase one cent."

But they don't take Joe's lower number back. And Joe doesn't take his lower number back.

And everyone's taken aback.

By a campaign that could be hinting something by maybe accidentally saying something?

We don't know.

This much I do know.

The definition of who is "rich" has changed mightily over this campaign.

A year ago, Barack Obama called anyone making a million bucks rich. It was a big number, a round number, an easy to remember number.

Then it went down, and down some more. And now with Biden slip, maybe down still more.

Maybe it was a slip.

Or maybe it was this campaign's way of saying, we've done our own math, and our numbers don't add up.

We can't pay for all our programs taxing just the very rich, so we've moved to the rich, then the close-to-rich, then maybe not-so-rich at all.

Now isn't that rich?

Assuming we'll dismiss it as a slip, which maybe it was.

Or see it as a trend, which likely it is.

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