O.J.'s Former Sports Agent Goes 'On the Record'
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This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," September 19, 2007. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Mike Gilbert is not only O.J. Simpson's former sports agent, he is also the source of some of the memorabilia at the center of Simpson's alleged armed robbery. And he still has some familiar Simpson treasures in his possession.
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VAN SUSTEREN: Mike, in here's a suit. But explain, first of all, the 10 on the outside of this (INAUDIBLE)
MIKE GILBERT, O.J.'S FORMER SPORTS AGENT: Yes. All the suits were numbered, particular suits for particular days.
VAN SUSTEREN: During the trial.
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GILBERT: During the criminal trial. Certain colors of suits, colors of ties. All the ties, oddly enough, except for this one, was numbered. And I have I think 20 ties that O.J. wore during the trial.
VAN SUSTEREN: How do you know that that's the suit— and we're going to open in a second— that was there the trial day?
GILBERT: Well, it was—
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VAN SUSTEREN: Or the verdict— it was the verdict day, right?
GILBERT: It was the day of the verdict. This is the suit O.J. wore. What happened, the next morning— I went there that night after the verdict. The next morning, I went up to the room. We were having coffee. The suit was just thrown in a corner of the closet, you know, when you walked through the door. And I saw it and I said, O.J., what are you going to do with the suit? And he looked at it and he said, I don't know. Why don't you take it? If you want it, take it. I'm not going to do anything with it. I'd rather you have it than somebody walk out with it. So I said, All right. So I picked it up.
VAN SUSTEREN: From his bedroom.
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GILBERT: Picked it up from the floor of the bedroom—
VAN SUSTEREN: At Rockingham.
GILBERT: —at Rockingham, put it back, put it on a hanger, put it in here, which is, you know, the original, what it was in. And it's been actually in this now for, what, about 13 years.
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VAN SUSTEREN: When is the last time— before you brought it out after this incident in Vegas, when was the last time you saw it?
GILBERT: That I saw it?
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GILBERT: Oh, this is— you know, this was hanging in my closet, next to my suits.
VAN SUSTEREN: OK, let's open it up and (INAUDIBLE)
GILBERT: All right. So it's kind of odd that this suit didn't mean anything to him then, and now it means enough to risk going to prison for the rest of your life (INAUDIBLE)
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VAN SUSTEREN: Now, on TV, it looks a little lighter. I guess that's the color on the TV monitor?
GILBERT: Well, could be the lights also. But the way that you can prove that it's the suit and the tie and so forth is if you zoom in on the fabric and then take the pictures from the suit from the day of the verdict, you look at this, and you can see there's colors in it, certain patterns, the cut.
VAN SUSTEREN: Well, the tie is very distinctive.
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GILBERT: The tie. Yeah, the tie, the collar. You can see he was sweating quite a bit, obviously, a few little blood drops.
VAN SUSTEREN: What are the blood drops from?
GILBERT: He cut himself shaving that morning.
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VAN SUSTEREN: In the jail.
GILBERT: Yeah, go figure. I guess he was probably a little nervous.
VAN SUSTEREN: So he gave you the suit at Rockingham. You put it in storage for 13 years.
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GILBERT: Right, it's been in my closet. The suit— here's the label. The suit's been in my closet, actually, next to all my suits every day.
VAN SUSTEREN: Has he asked for it in 13 years?
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VAN SUSTEREN: And did anyone ever ask you for it?
GILBERT: Never. I've had people offer to buy it.
VAN SUSTEREN: For how much?
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GILBERT: For $25,000. You know, I think when O.J. found out that, you know, I was actually thinking about selling it, that, you know, the money— he figured, Wow, OK, wait a minute. Somebody that doesn't work for me anymore, that, you know, has nothing to do with me, why should I let him have it, and went after it. So— but yeah, the tie, you can see, the same maker.
VAN SUSTEREN: What you told me that I didn't realize is that they didn't wear red ties.
GILBERT: No, not during— you'd have a power tie for certain times, certain days, but never when there was blood evidence. Never.
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VAN SUSTEREN: So the defense team had that so coordinated and choreographed, what he wore.
GILBERT: Oh, absolutely. And even to who was in the courtroom on certain days.
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VAN SUSTEREN: Mike joins us here live in Vegas. And Mike, I noticed this little pin on your lapel as we're standing here. What's that pin mean?
GILBERT: That's a Heisman trophy pin. It was given to me by the president of the Heisman trophy, Rudy Ruska (ph).
VAN SUSTEREN: So you've known O.J. Simpson for a number of years.
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GILBERT: About 18.
VAN SUSTEREN: Did you know about this meeting? And what's the relevance of this suit that we just look at to this meeting in this hotel room?
GILBERT: From what I understand, that's what O.J. wanted when he went in. He asked for the suit. He asked where I was, asked where the suit was. I think Bruce had said— Bruce Fromong said that he had the suit and he was going to sell it. Other memorabilia, I don't know.
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VAN SUSTEREN: Did you know the meeting was going to occur?
GILBERT: I knew it was going to. I didn't know it had anything to do with my items. I thought it was Joe Montana, Jerry Rose, Pete Rose, things like that.
VAN SUSTEREN: You've heard the tape inside the room?
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GILBERT: I heard 30 seconds of the tape.
VAN SUSTEREN: What did you think?
GILBERT: You know, I've had people say, you know, Are you surprised at how vulgar, how loud, how abusive he was? And to me, it's laughable. If you knew O.J., you've heard that before. I've heard him yell at his daughter like that, his friends, just different people. That's O.J.
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VAN SUSTEREN: Did you know that O.J. was looking for his suit at all? Any inkling?
VAN SUSTEREN: Not at all?
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GILBERT: He's never asked me in 13 years.
VAN SUSTEREN: Do you know any of the people who were in the room, like Bruce Fromong or—
GILBERT: I've known Bruce for, gosh, 16 years, something thereabouts. He worked for me for a number of years, and we were partners for about 10 or 12 years. Alfred Beardsley, I've known Beardsley— of him. I've had dealings with him off and on.
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VAN SUSTEREN: What's Beardsley like?
GILBERT: Do you really want to know what he's like?
VAN SUSTEREN: Yeah. I want the viewers to know what you told me, basically. I know what (INAUDIBLE)
GILBERT: All right. He called me one day and said that there were people that had their lights on, and it was a signal to him. And he said, Do you know what it means? I said, It means it's dark. And he said, No, they want me to run for mayor of Burbank. So he actually had a press conference and ran for mayor of Burbank.
VAN SUSTEREN: How long ago was this?
GILBERT: Probably five or six years.
VAN SUSTEREN: Any other conversation or anything unusual? Because he's going to be a main witness for the prosecution. And of course, now he's sitting in jail because he's been arrested on a parole violation warrant out of California and he's got to be sent back to California from Vegas. But any other dealings with him?
GILBERT: Stalker. He stalked me. He stalked O.J. He was one of these guys who would be outside of every courtroom, every trial— Robert Blake, when William Shatner's wife drowned, you name it—
VAN SUSTEREN: He was there.
GILBERT: —he was there.
VAN SUSTEREN: What happened to your relationship with O.J.?
GILBERT: Oh, Greta. You and I go way back, and I think you know the turmoil that I went through, just you know, personal turmoil. But I felt O.J. was given a second chance at life. That jury gave him another chance to do the right thing, to be a good father, a good member of society, a good friend. And instead, he decided to be a thug, fly to the Caymans— or not the Caymans, but fly to Bahamas, party for two or three days, leave his kids at home alone.
VAN SUSTEREN: So you gave up.
GILBERT: I just had it. I did your show two years ago, and I quit the same day.
VAN SUSTEREN: Mike, as always, nice to see you.
GILBERT: Nice to see you, Greta.
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