Nicole's Stalker Fear

Nicole Kidman is being stalked by a man who wants to marry her before running for president, according to court papers.

The actress smiled for the cameras at Cannes Film Festival despite her fears over Matthew Hooker, who has twice been to her house as well as writing to her and phoning her.

Restraining Order

Kidman, who is embroiled in an emotional divorce case with Tom Cruise, filed papers at Santa Monica Superior Court asking for a restraining order against 40-year-old Hooker.

She stated he was "stalking me and my family and I am fearful for our safety and security." He runs Internet dating and entertainment sites and has posted his own love poem called 'Nicole' on one of them.


He says he is running for president in 2004 and wants to marry his 'great love' before being elected.

In the papers the actress said he had visited the house asking to take her out for an ice-cream and to the ballet. He also wrote to ask if he could tutor her children so they could get to know each other, and said he would like to serenade her.