Nicole Kidman Not Selling Photos of Baby

Kidman: No Baby Photo | All-Stars Beat Celebs in Game | 'Dark Knight' Errata | R.I.P.

Kidman: No Baby Photo

While the world awaits news of a sale of official photos of the Brangelina twins — Vivienne and Knox — here is a nice revelation: Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban are not selling pictures of their new baby, Sunday Rose. To anyone, for any price.

A Kidman insider told me: "If they ever release a photo, it will only be in an attempt to avoid the aggressive paparazzi who go after a 'first photo' for the tabloids and tend to endanger people's lives, or at least make them very miserable. They would never sell one."

The source added: "Never."

How nice and classy of Kidman, just as I would have expected. Of course, other celebs such as Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner have avoided the baby pic sweepstakes. Increasingly, the sellers of such portraits are not the top-tier actors, but lower-rung types who need the PR boost.

In Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s case, they’ve used the money from these photo shoots for charity. But it’s unclear what’s going on in the auction between People and OK! Said one People insider: "On the heads of my children, we do not have a deal for these pictures. Beware what you are hearing — and who's telling you."

All-Stars Beat Celebs in Game

The baseball all-stars were heading into the 15th inning of their annual competition around 1:20 a.m. Wednesday morning. But it was much earlier when the slew of celebs who’d come to see them left Yankee Stadium.

Indeed, the heartiest of the well-known turned out to be "Saturday Night Live" producer Lorne Michaels, who hung in there at least through the 12th inning with Caroline Kennedy beside him.

The pair was well-situated right behind home plate. Kennedy’s teenage son, Jack Schlossberg, was his mom’s date, and he was busy helping bring pals down to the good seats as weary fans headed to the exits.

Just across from Michaels and Kennedy was Nobu owner and New York restaurateur Drew Nieporent, with New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg and former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who seemed poised to go the distance.

But many of the big names cut out sooner or later, starting with Penny Marshall, who nearly got hit by a ball as she was getting back into her seat just next to the visiting team dugout. The ball whizzed right past her, but Marshall was unflappable. She just waved it away.

"Sopranos" star Lorraine Bracco got to the game early and even got an autograph from starting pitcher Cliff Lee. But she was ready to pack it in after the ninth inning. Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick also had enough, and director Spike Lee caused a commotion on his way out.

Katie Couric gave up around 11 p.m., waving to friends in the stands, as did NBC’s Brian Williams. After all, even famous people have to get some shut-eye before another day of work!

There were some touching moments among the real celebrities of the night, the great Hall of Famers who showed up for the last All-Star game at Yankee Stadium (and the first one in 31 years). Willie Mays looked surprisingly frail, while some of the more contemporary players, such as Wade Boggs and Jim Palmer, seemed not to have aged. Bully for them!

I thought it was a nice touch to introduce the shortstops with a tribute to Phil Rizzuto, and there was a nice memorial ovation for Bobby Murcer. The Yankees know how to pay homage to their fallen heroes, although it would have been cool to mention Thurman Munson and Catfish Hunter. You can’t have everything, I suppose.

Owner George Steinbrenner’s equally frail appearance was no surprise to those who’ve followed his deteriorating condition over the last couple of years. It was brave of him to come out, and the fans really appreciated it. This could be the last time we see him.

But sturdy as ever, Yogi Berra and the great Whitey Ford remain the real Yankee heroes. Seeing Berra throw out that first ball was exhilarating.

There is nothing like a Yankee audience. The fans loudly booed every Red Sox player, chanted for Yankees who weren’t playing and/or dead ones, razzed National Leaguers and were more or less cheerfully merciless.

Yankee reliever Mariano Rivera was almost willed onto the mound by his fans. After the ninth inning, hundreds chanted "Let’s Go Yankees" as if the other teams weren’t even there. It was just great.

Only in the Bronx, kids, only in the Bronx.

'Dark Knight' Errata

More from the "The Dark Knight" premiere: I had a nice chat with James L. Brooks, creator of the "Mary Tyler Moore Show" and "Taxi" and director of "As Good as It Gets" and "Terms of Endearment." We discussed the everlasting quality of the "MTM" scripts. Said Brooks, who’s working on a new romantic comedy: "That was like college for me."

Don’t know if they were together, but Brooks’ "Taxi" star Danny DeVito, the Penguin many moons ago, was also in the house.

Ethan Hawke introduced me to his pregnant wife, Ryan Shawhughes. When is she due? "Like 10 minutes ago." We joked that maybe the movie would motivate the baby to come on out.

Is he excited? He looks at me with a crazy grin. "Oh, yeah," he says.

"The Dark Knight" director Chris Nolan told me he’s not sure about the next installment of the "Batman" trilogy. "I don’t know what I’m doing next," he said. Of course, if "The Dark Knight" is a record-setting blockbuster, expect Warner Bros. to lock him in quickly. Otherwise, Nolan is taking off the rest of the summer.

Nolan, famous for his cult movie "Memento," which is told in reverse, did confirm that he never considered doing that for "Dark Knight."

Hey, it’s confusing enough told in a conventional way!


Everyone who knew loved Bunny (Brenda) Koppelman, the wife of longtime record exec and Martha Stewart/Steven Madden CEO Charles Koppelman. That’s why her passing last week was such a terrible loss. Bunny apparently battled a fast-moving cancer for the last nine months without telling many people. Condolences to husband, Charles, a steadfast figure in the music world, son Brian, the gifted screenwriter and the rest of Bunny’s friends and family. …