New York Dem Party Scraps 9/11 Ad

The state Democratic Party has scrapped plans to air a Sept. 11-related television ad in which party leaders were to recite the Gettysburg Address, a spokeswoman said yesterday.

The plan had called for running the ad the day before and day after the Sept. 11 memorial ceremony dominated by Republicans.

"Any Democratic advertising plans were always in the very early conceptual stages and now have been discontinued," said Serena Torrey, spokeswoman for the state Democratic Committee.

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver said he was calling leading Democrats yesterday and felt that would result in the tribute ad being scrapped.

The change, said Silver, results from Democrats being given roles in the Sept. 11 ceremonies.

Silver said he, former Mayor Giuliani and other elected officials will read the names of those who died in the terrorist attacks.

State Democratic Chairman Herman "Denny" Farrell had said earlier this month that the 30-second spot was designed to give top Democrats a chance to let people know their feelings about the attacks and to pay tribute to the victims.

Farrell, who is also a state Assembly member, said the project wasn't meant to be political.

A week before, it was announced that Gov. Pataki, who is seeking his third term, would recite the famous speech by Abraham Lincoln as part of the tribute.

Silver said state Comptroller and gubernatorial candidate Carl McCall will be among the Democrats who will have prominent roles in the ceremony.