New Clues in Brutal Murder of Michelle Young

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," May 4, 2007.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Are there new clues tonight about the brutal murder of Michelle Young? Remember that gruesome case? She was the pregnant mother bludgeoned in her home six months ago. Michelle Young's daughter walked through her mother's blood, tracking it throughout the house. Many wondered if Michelle's husband, Jason, might know something about this homicide. There was a big life insurance policy taken out on Michelle. Was Jason Young having an affair? Where is he now? And what is new in the investigation?

Joining us from Raleigh, North Carolina, WRAL reporter Amanda Lamb. Nice to have you back, Amanda. And Amanda, what is the latest in this investigation? It's now six months old.

AMANDA LAMB, WRAL RALEIGH: It is six months old, Greta. And basically, right now, we're getting the same thing we've been getting for the last few months from investigators. They say they're making progress, they're talking to people, they've interviewed over 100 people. But at this point, they haven't made an arrest, and they're also not naming any suspects.

Just this week, we did learn some new information. As investigators do, we went back and reread the case file. And one of the things that we noticed was that a rape kit had not been done. There was no indication in the autopsy report that a rape kit had been done. Of course, this is something that seems like it would be routine in the homicide of a female. Apparently, it's not.

We started asking questions about that. We talked to investigators. And as it turned out, they had requested of the North Carolina medical examiner that a rape kit be done. They had a document, a piece of paper that actually accompanies the body. It says, basically, what kind of evidence they want collected, and they did want that rape kit done. It wasn't done.

At this point, the medical examiner basically tells us that that piece of paper doesn't always translate into what happens in the autopsy, that sometimes conversations are had once the body gets there, and they decide not to do it. He really can't say at this point what happened or why it wasn't done, but it wasn't done. So they will not have that piece of evidence if this case ever goes to trial.

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, Amanda, that isn't particularly reassuring. I mean, there can always be, you know, one slip-up in an investigation. But I know that you know this, but going back to the homicide, which was November 2 or 3, that it wasn't until the week of November 20, after the scene had been processed by the investigators, that a family member went back to the scene and found a broken tooth on November 20 in the bedroom where she was murdered, where the child was walking around with bloody footprints. Aren't they at least concerned about the quality of their investigation?

LAMB: Well, you know, we're talking about a bunch of different agencies here. Obviously, we're talking about investigators. That's one area. We're talking about the North Carolina medical examiner's office. We're talking about the DA's office. So there's a lot of people involved.

In terms of that tooth, that again was something we did talk about several months ago. It was missed. They admitted it was missed. They're not sure how it was missed. But in this case, this was a case where the investigators did ask for this evidence to be collected. And again, for whatever reason, it wasn't collected. We don't know what that means to the case. But again, anything that can raise reasonable doubt in front of a jury is not a good thing, ultimately, if you try to take a case to trial.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Well, it's good they asked for it, but the problem is, when they didn't get it, they apparently didn't ask where it is, and now we're hearing about it now. All right, now, Jason Young, the husband, not a suspect, but nonetheless, he at least — he apparently had some girlfriend — or not a girlfriend, but somebody he was corresponding with, leading up to the murder. Where is he and what's he doing?

LAMB: We understand that he is back in western North Carolina in the town he grew up in, Brevard, staying with family members. We also understand that he is working again. He was a salesman in some kind of medical software sales. We believe he is working again for another company. And he also has his 3-year-old daughter in his custody.

VAN SUSTEREN: And police say that they are going to solve this? I mean, are they optimistic?

LAMB: They're very optimistic, as they've been all along. They say it's a complex case, that it takes time to put a case like this together, that they have to get it right. And as you obviously know from covering the Duke lacrosse case, a lot of people in North Carolina look at that situation and say, We cannot rush to judgment in any case.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Amanda, thank you. And we'll continue to come back to you on this story. Thank you, Amanda.

LAMB: Thank you.

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