'Neck Breaking' Google Search Performed on Missing Florida Toddler's Family Computer

"Neck breaking" and "household weapons" were among the Google searches done on a computer available to the mother of missing Florida toddler Caylee Anthony, newly released court documents show.

The 3-year-old girl's mother Casey Anthony is behind bars on first-degree murder, manslaughter and other charges. She has pleaded not guilty and is awaiting a January trial. She faces life in prison if convicted of killing Caylee.

Someone performed the Internet searches on the Anthony family home computer. Casey Anthony, 22, lived with her daughter at her parents' house in Orlando until shortly before the tot vanished in mid-June.

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On March 17, someone searched for "peroxide," "acetone," "alcohol," "shovels" and "lost numbers," as well as how to make chloroform, on the same computer using Google, according to the documents.

Traces of chloroform, which is used to induce unconsciousness, were found in the trunk of Anthony's car during forensic testing by a Tennessee lab.

Cell phone records include text messages in which Casey calls herself "the worst mother," and Caylee a "little snothead," according to the documents.

The more than 800 pages released on Wednesday were the latest set of papers to be publicized in the child's disappearance.

Todd Black, a spokesman for Anthony's lead attorney Jose Baez, said the standard procedure for defense attorneys was to review discovery documents for a few days before commenting.

Later Wednesday, Circuit Judge Stan Strickland denied a prosecutor's request for a wide-ranging gag order. Strickland ruled the state did not prove that national TV appearances by Baez and other comments in the media would sufficiently prejudice the jury pool.

"Even with a gag order the publicity and media attention would continue unabated," Strickland wrote in his opinion.

Strickland said attorneys on both sides already are bound to a Florida Bar statue prohibiting comments that are false or would otherwise taint the jury pool.

The gag order would have not only affected prosecutors and defense attorneys, but Orange County Sheriff's investigators and Casey Anthony's parents, George and Cindy.

"Given the fact the prosecution has been leaking information almost nonstop for months, a gag order wouldn't matter at this point," Black said for the defense.

The Orlando tot was last seen on or around June 16, but her mother did not report her missing until July.

The child's grandmother first called authorities in July to say she hadn't seen Caylee for a month and her daughter's car smelled like death.

Caylee's remains haven't been found, despite numerous searches.

Anthony told authorities she left her daughter with a baby sitter in June and the two were gone when she returned from work. She says she spent the next month trying to find Caylee and didn't call police because she was scared. Investigators have repeatedly said they don't believe Anthony's story.

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Click here for Casey Anthony's indictment.

Click here for a timeline of the Casey Anthony case.

Click here for some of the documents released.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.