Following is a timeline of events surrounding the NBA betting scandal.
2003-2007: Referee Tim Donaghy places bets with friends, including Jack Concannon, on 30-40 of his own games each season for four NBA seasons, beginning in 2003.
Dec. 12, 2006: Donaghy meets with James Battista and Thomas Martino at a Marriott hotel in Philadelphia and agrees to provide picks in exchange for money. Donaghy and Martino establish code for exchanging information.
Early 2007: FBI Gambino task force learns Battista is betting on NBA games and getting help from an NBA referee. Investigators begin looking for the referee and key players involved.
February 2007: Philly bookmaker Joseph Vito Mastronardo’s phone records subpoenaed.
March 2007: Donaghy’s phone records subpoenaed.
By May 2007: Prosecutors say: “The investigation had identified Donaghy as the referee, and had uncovered the basic roles played in the scheme by Donaghy, Battista and Martino."
May 30, 2007: Martino appears before a grand jury and commits perjury. He calls Donaghy and Battista to tip them off about an investigation. Several days later, an attorney for Donaghy contacts the U.S. Attorney's office and agrees to cooperate. Donaghy turns himself in before the government can indict him.
June 20, 2007: NBA is contacted by the FBI about a referee the bureau believes was betting on games.
June 21, 2007: NBA executives meet with the FBI.
July 9, 2007: Donaghy resigns.
July 20, 2007: Story breaks in the New York Post.
July 24, 2007: NBA Commissioner David Stern holds press conference, declares Donaghy “lone isolated criminal.”
Aug. 15, 2007: Donaghy pleads guilty to felony charges of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and conspiracy to transmit wagering information (prior to pleading, Donaghy meets with feds on June 15, June 27, July 6, Aug. 8).
Feb. 8, 2008: Grand jury indicts Battista and Martino, charging them with conspiracy to commit wire fraud and conspiracy to transmit wagering information. Martino also is charged with two counts of perjury. Trial set for April 28, 2008.
April 16, 2008: Martino accepts plea agreement, pleads guilty conspiracy to commit wire fraud and obstruction of justice for perjury.
April 24, 2008: Battista pleads guilty to conspiracy to transmit wagering information.
June 10, 2008: In an open court filing, Donaghy says he told federal investigators that NBA executives told officials “to manipulate games” to “boost ticket sales and television ratings,” specifically during Game 6 of the 2002 Western Conference finals, which Donaghy says was fixed to extend the series, which would bring the league more money. Stern says: “The U.S. attorney’s office, the FBI have fully investigated it, and Mr. Donaghy is the only one who is guilty of a crime. And he’s going to be sentenced for that crime, regardless of these desperate attempts to implicate as many people as he can.”
June 12, 2008: Stern speaks with the press before Game 4 of the NBA finals to address Donaghy’s accusations. “On behalf of my officials, I'd like to tell you that they don't engage in the criminal conduct of which Mr. Donaghy has accused them,” Stern said. “No, no, a thousand times no.”
June 19, 2008: NBA court filing says the league wants Donaghy to pay $1.4 million, a sum they say includes his salary and money won from games he bet on or provided tips for, and the cost of his shoes.
June 25, 2008: Donaghy and the NBA square off in court to argue over the league’s requested amount of restitution. Donaghy attends hearing, after which he utters profane remarks to a reporter.
July 1, 2008: NBA names Army two-star general Maj. Gen. Ronald Johnson to the newly created position of senior vice president of referee operations.
Timeline compiled by Jana Winter.