NATO Kills 2 Civilians After Van Approaches Patrol; 3 Taliban Killed

NATO forces shot dead two civilians whose vehicle was speeding toward their patrol, while NATO and Afghan troops killed three Taliban fighters in southern Afghanistan, officials said Thursday.

In Kabul province, which includes the capital, Kabul, Afghan and coalition forces on Thursday fatally shot one man and captured four others for "their involvement in terrorist activity," said a statement from the U.S.-led coalition.

"Credible information indicates the terrorists were responsible for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces," the statement said. It did not identify the men captured or killed or give any further details.

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Two civilians were killed and a child wounded Wednesday when NATO forces fired at a speeding van approaching their patrol that "failed to stop when hand signals were given," a statement from NATO's International Security Assistance Force said.

The patrol in southern Helmand province "fired in self-defense," it said.

"It is not known why the vehicle failed to stop when clear signals were given," the statement said, adding that the incident is being investigated.

Separately, a joint NATO-Afghan operation on Wednesday left three Taliban fighters dead and six wounded, said police chief Mohammad Hassan of the Khak-e-Afghan district of southern Zabul province.

Afghanistan has experienced its worst spate of violence this year since the fall of the Taliban in 2001. A report released this week found that more than 3,700 people have died in insurgency-related violence this year.

For more news, go to's Afghanistan center.