Murder Fugitive Indicted on Sex Charges

A man suspected in the shooting death of a 13-year-old neighbor has been charged with raping the girl's best friend, according to documents released Monday.

A grand jury indicted Melvin Keeling (search), 43, on Friday on two counts of rape and 33 counts of gross sexual imposition involving the girl, who is also his girlfriend's daughter, prosecutor Rachel Hutzel (search) said.

Keeling, of suburban Cincinnati, is a suspect in the death of Katelind Caudill (search), who was shot several times in the head and chest last week in her bedroom.

He fled after the shooting, and remains a fugitive.

Days before the shooting, the 13-year-old allegedly confronted Keeling, calling him a pedophile. She had been questioned by authorities investigating Keeling in the molestation case.

Keeling also is suspected of killing two clerks in a convenience store in Remington, Ind., as he fled.

Investigators think Keeling may be around Gary, Ind., or nearby Chicago. Police and FBI agents used dogs Monday to search a field in Gary where Keeling's van was found early Sept. 20, said Special Agent Wendy Osborne, an agency spokeswoman.

Keeling was the subject of a segment on the television program "America's Most Wanted" on Saturday night. FBI spokesman Mike Brooks said the segment generated additional leads, but he declined to elaborate.

The FBI has offered a $25,000 reward for help finding Keeling. The owner of the convenience store where the two women were killed has offered an additional $10,000.