Mrs. Alan Colmes Makes 'H&C' Debut
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This is a rush transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," November 12, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: Joining us now the author of the new book, "Defiant Dads: Father's Rights Activists in America," my wife, Jocelyn Crowley.
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• Videos: Watch part 1 of Sean and Alan's interview with Mrs. Alan Colmes, Jocelyn Crowley | Watch part 2
COLMES: Good to see you, honey. I haven't called a guest "honey" since Newt Gingrich.
CROWLEY: If you were calling guests "honey" you'll be in trouble.
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COLMES: I'd be in trouble.
CROWLEY: How are you, honey?
COLMES: Nice to see you.
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CROWLEY: Nice to see you.
COLMES: Actually, you're on the show because I'm never — I'm not home nights. This is the only way I can see you.
CROWLEY: This is the only way. You booked me on the show so we could actually communicate.
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COLMES: All right, communicate. This is the way we talk. Let's work a few things out. No. Let me ask you this. Why this book?
SEAN HANNITY, CO-HOST: This is a very tough night for me.
COLMES: Tough for you. Try being me right now.
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HANNITY: Double Colmes.
CROWLEY: He's outnumbered.
COLMES: ... already (UNINTELLIGIBLE) Hannity. All right. So why this topic? Why do you focus on this topic?
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CROWLEY: Sure, sure. Well, this has always been an interest of mine. I think growing up in a single parent family, we faced particular challenges, my sister and I, as well as my mother. And I got interested in the topic of child support and child support reform, and I wanted to look at the issue from the male perspective.
COLMES: And what is that perspective? I mean, what did you find out about these — you interviewed about 158 fathers' rights people. Went to meetings, went to groups, because you were not home. I got some frequent flyer miles. So what happened...
CROWLEY: You had some moments of peace when I was out doing the research.
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COLMES: What did you find out about these groups and what they stand for?
CROWLEY: Sure. Well, what I did was, in addition to interviewing them, I did go to their group meetings. And I found out a lot about what these guys are going through. I heard a lot about their personal stories, their relationships with their children, and how they're trying to rebuild them.
COLMES: What they want for — in terms of policy, you don't necessarily favor some of those policies?
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CROWLEY: Yes. I mean, I think that some of their policy reforms are a little bit troubling when it comes to women and children. For example, some of them want to reduce their child support obligations, and the research shows that child support really does help keep women and children out of poverty, so I'm concerned about that.
COLMES: And one of the issues you bring up in the book is that, you know, father — they say they want equality.
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COLMES: But the fact is when the marriage was still together, in many cases the children spent more time with the mother to begin with, and now the fathers wanting equal time doesn't comport with the way it was even when they were married.
CROWLEY: That's right. That's right. So some of them want joint custody, right when the family falls apart. And I think what judges need to look at is who was taking care of the children when the family was together? What are the needs of the children? And basically, focus on the best needs of those children.
COLMES: These groups have a positive aspect to it?
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CROWLEY: Absolutely. What I found through my research is that they provide fathers and men with important information about their legal rights in terms of divorce, separation, child support, and alimony. And they also provide their fathers with great relationship advice.
COLMES: Hannity is champing at the bit.
HANNITY: I can't believe I'm just sitting here, watching this interview together here.
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COLMES: Just one last question. Would you pick up a quart of milk on the way home?
CROWLEY: I'll definitely do that. Will you make sure that you do the laundry?
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HANNITY: I'm going to ask only one question about the book.
CROWLEY: You're really not interested in it.
HANNITY: No, no, no. But my question. The mother might spend more time with the kids, only because the father was out there making it possible.
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HANNITY: So why shouldn't they get equal custody?
CROWLEY: Right. Well, I think that that goes to the whole structure of work in America. I think that mothers and fathers both need to take care of — take care of their children. And they both need to, if they want to, participate in the labor market. So I think it should be more equal before the family dissolves.
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Here comes the questions.
HANNITY: All right. There's just some people that may not know.
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HANNITY: Monica Crowley, you're her sister.
HANNITY: All right. So — and there you can see the resemblance.
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COLMES: She introduced us.
CROWLEY: Is there a split screen, though?
HANNITY: Right there. It's right there.
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HANNITY: So now, so you met Alan...
CROWLEY: Monica introduced us.
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HANNITY: All right. Now, but you're as liberal as him. Do you think alike?
CROWLEY: You know, every day I get up and I think, "How can I be more liberal than yesterday?"
HANNITY: Do you really? But you do agree with him on most things?
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CROWLEY: Yes. We're married. Come on. We have to have a lot in common.
HANNITY: Did you ever watch the show in all the years we've been on and think, "You know what? I think Hannity's got it right tonight, and I think my husband's wrong"? Did you ever tell him that?
COLMES: One night when you said good night.
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CROWLEY: It's gotcha (ph).
HANNITY: Was there ever a night you said, "You know what? I think Hannity's right on this"?
CROWLEY: You know, I love you, Sean...
HANNITY: But no. You can't remember a time.
CROWLEY: ... I can't remember a time where that's happened.
HANNITY: All right. Now I'm going to ask something very — it says "Meet Mrs. Colmes." But you don't have the same last name.
CROWLEY: I knew this was coming.
HANNITY: I'm not judging. I just want to know why.
CROWLEY: Well, during the 1960s and the 1970s, there was this thing called the women's movement.
HANNITY: Really? What was that all about? That's new to me. I never heard of it.
CROWLEY: And what basically happened was — women could actually keep their own names if they so chose.
HANNITY: And so why did you choose? Because you have choice. Why did you choose?
CROWLEY: I have choice, and my name my entire life has been Jocelyn Crowley. As much as I love this man, as I do.
HANNITY: Are you embarrassed about being married to Alan?
CROWLEY: Absolutely not. I love him.
COLMES: That's why she's on this show.
HANNITY: Now here's a question: do you guys ever fight?
CROWLEY: I think I'm looking to him. I won't say that.
HANNITY: Of course you won't.
COLMES: Why do you want to cause trouble?
HANNITY: Who did you vote for in the last election?
CROWLEY: Come on, Sean. That's pretty apparent.
HANNITY: Well, you voted for Senator McCain? Well, Monica agrees with me. Your sister is on my side.
CROWLEY: Monica — so we have a family that has a multitude of opinions.
COLMES: This goes into your topic.
COLMES: And your sister. And we all love and know Monica.
COLMES: Both had similar experiences growing up, but you had very different ways of taking that in and thinking about issues?
CROWLEY: Absolutely, so my mother says she dropped one of us on our heads when we were coming out of the birth canal...
HANNITY: So now we've got...
CROWLEY: Probably Monica.
HANNITY: ... "Mrs. Crowley (Colmes)."
CROWLEY: I'll live with that.
HANNITY: All right. Now by the way...
COLMES: Go to my Web site, You can get your book.
HANNITY: Are you guys going to — you're going to stay around for one more segment. Do you mind?
CROWLEY: I hope so.
HANNITY: OK. We're going to come back. More with Mrs. Crowley Colmes.
HANNITY: Just Crowley.
HANNITY: More questions about their personal lives when we get back. Straight ahead.
HANNITY: And we continue now with Alan's wife, Jocelyn Crowley.
Now explain it again, you are embarrassed about Alan's name?
CROWLEY: No! I'm not embarrassed by Alan's name. I love my husband, but professionally I keep my name.
HANNITY: OK. Now you wrote a book that I just couldn't believe anyone would ever write.
HANNITY: O.J. — "O.J. is Innocent."
CROWLEY: Yes, I remember that chapter.
HANNITY: Do you — do you agree with that?
CROWLEY: The name of the title of that chapter...
HANNITY: It bothers you.
CROWLEY: ... is a little bit misguided. We don't necessarily agree on the title of that chapter.
COLMES: Hannity's trying to tear us apart.
CROWLEY: Are you trying to send me to divorce court?
HANNITY: No, no. No, I'm the family values guy. Do you believe, he says Jesus was a liberal?
CROWLEY: I definitely believe that.
COLMES: Radical. It's true.
CROWLEY: He had long hair, he wore sandals. Very liberal.
HANNITY: Go ahead, Alan. Do you have any questions?
COLMES: He's given up. I've never actually — in the 12 years on this show he's never turned to me and said, "Alan, do you have anything you want to add?"
HANNITY: One more question. So when you guys met...
HANNITY: ... did you fall instantly in love or did it take a while? Because it took me a long time to like him.
CROWLEY: My sister introduced us. And...
HANNITY: Right away.
CROWLEY: Right away I knew.
HANNITY: And you — and what were you thinking? I mean, were you thinking, "This is the guy for me"?
CROWLEY: Absolutely. He's just the best guy in the world.
COLMES: Sean, she's only human.
HANNITY: Well, congratulations.
COLMES: That's all the time.
HANNITY: See you...
CROWLEY: Thank you so much for having me.
HANNITY: Mrs. Colmes's book...
CROWLEY: Thank you.
CROWLEY: Mrs. Crowley — well, Greta is next. Have a great night. Thanks.
CROWLEY: Thank you. Thanks for having me.
Watch "Hannity & Colmes" weeknights at 9 p.m. ET!
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