'Most Beautiful Woman' Mulls On-Screen Kiss

Indian actress Aishwarya Rai (search ) has never had an on-screen kiss, but that doesn't mean she won't smooch on the silver screen once she makes Hollywood movies.

"It would definitely be a topic of discussion," Rai told CBS' "60 Minutes" in an interview to air Sunday. Excerpts of the interview were released in advance.

Rai has starred in some two dozen Bollywood (search ) films and adorned overseas ad campaigns for DeBeers, L'Oreal and Coca-Cola.

A British magazine recently exalted Rai as the world's most beautiful woman.

The 30-year-old actress, a former Miss World, said a kiss is not just a kiss in Bollywood movies, where song and dance routines are often metaphors for sex and passion.

"In our society, you don't really see people around the street corner kissing or being extremely or overtly physically demonstrative," she said.

Her latest film, "Bride & Prejudice," will be released in U.S. theaters next year. The British romance movie, directed by "Bend It Like Beckham" filmmaker Gurinder Chadha (search ) and based on Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice," combines elements of Indian and Western film.

"We'll cross the bridge when we reach it," Rai said of future love scenes.