Moderate to Seek DNC Chair

Simon Rosenberg (search), founder of the centrist New Democrat Network (search), has decided to run for chairman of the Democratic National Committee (search), according to an aide.

Rosenberg, a 41-year-old activist based in Washington, plans a Thursday announcement at the National Press Club to talk about his goals for the national party, said the aide, Guillermo Meneses. Rosenberg has been calling DNC members for weeks to test the waters.

Rosenberg's organization spent about $6 million in the presidential campaign trying to attract Hispanic voters to support Democrats and says winning over Hispanic voters is key to the party's long-term survival. He also is pushing for changes to the presidential calendar that would end Iowa and New Hampshire's lock on starting the process.

Among others who have indicated interest: former presidential candidate Howard Dean (search), former Colorado Gov. Roy Roemer, former Michigan Gov. Jim Blanchard, Democratic activist Harold Ickes, former Texas Democratic chair Molly Beth Malcolm, Democratic activist Donnie Fowler, former Rep. Martin Frost (search) of Texas and former U.S. Senate candidate from Texas, Ron Kirk.