Michael Schiavo to Co-Write 'Terri: the Truth'

Michael Schiavo (search) is co-writing a book with author Michael Hirsh (search) to tell his side of the end-of-life case that divided much of the country.

Schiavo's wife Terri (search) suffered a brain injury in 1990 that left her in what some doctors called a "persistent vegetative state." She died March 31 after a bitter court battle between her husband and her parents.

Hirsh expects the 280-page book, "Terri: the Truth," to be available just before the first anniversary of Terri's death. Dutton Publishing publicity manager Jean Anne Rose confirmed that the company is publishing the book in March.

Michael Schiavo's decision to remove a feeding tube that kept his brain-damaged wife alive alienated him from her parents, drew a Congressional intervention and even prompted criticism from President Bush.

Hirsh, 62, is a Vietnam veteran and a former Los Angeles television producer who has written three books about the military.