Merci Moment

Am I the only one, or did it seem like we were watching Marlene Dietrich (search) Tuesday night?

It was THK of course — Tereza Heinz Kerry (search) — your Democratic candidate for first lady.

I know that accent isn't Germanic, but there was something straight out of “Cabaret” about that speech. The whispered tone maybe? I'm not really sure.

At the end as she was accepting the adulation of the conventioneers, she thanked them: “Merci. Merci. Merci.”

Now, considering the fact that Republican Kerry-basher Tom Delay (search) is going around the country opening up his speeches by saying, “Good afternoon, or as John Kerry would say Bonjour,” I don't think that was the best adlib Mrs. Kerry could have made.

Yes, she has her opinions and speaks them. And yes, she can tell off reporters in five languages. She can even converse with George Bush in Spanish. But I'm wondering if Americans in Wal-Mart-land might have felt charmed by the “merci moment," or worried.

Anyway, that's Mrs. Kerry – oops, sorry, Mrs. Heinz Kerry, as she insists on being called.

As for Mr. Kerry, I'm so amused by the line that he's going to make the world like us again.

Kerry understands they hate us for reasons that go beyond George W. Bush — though it's true they really, really do hate Bush.

And Kerry understands that the only way to get our so-called allies on board in Iraq and elsewhere is by beating them around the head and shoulders even worse than Bush has.

And Kerry understands our so-called friends in Western Europe don't really trust him either. But he also understands that the American people don't understand all that. So he can go on telling this little fib and hope people won't find out till later.

That's My Word.

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