Hey guys! Did you miss a step in one of our men's fitness videos? Here's the rundown for all three workouts from top trainer Ken Szekretar.
Beat the Holiday Bulge Workout Video:
Circuit Training: Alternate between squats, push-ups, dead-lifts, bicep-curls, lunges and tricep kickbacks.
? Do 8 to 12 reps—rest 1 to 2 minutes between reps—3 times per week.
Cardio: Alternate between elliptical, treadmill, and weights.
? For the elliptical do 30 to 35 minutes—put resistance 3-5 settings higher than normal—3 times per week.
? For the treadmill do 30 to 35 minutes—increase incline by 2-4 %—3 times per week.
? For weight training rest 30 to 60 seconds between sets—3 times per week.
Ladder Runs:
? Do 3 sets—30 seconds each—5 or 6 times per week.
Squat-thrust Jumps:
? For beginners do 4-6 sets— for advanced do 8-12 sets—2 to 3 times per week.
? For beginners do 4-6 sets— for advanced do 8-12 sets—2 to 3 times per week.
Tubing Workout:
? Do 8-12 reps—2 to 3 times per week.
Barbell Bicep Curl with Superset and Tubing:
? Do 8-12 reps—3 times per week
For more men's fitness advice, check out our new section, The Guy Guide.