Megan Fox Suffers Anxiety Attacks When Seeing Herself On Screen

Megan Fox Suffers Anxiety Attacks When Seeing Herself On Screen | Kathy Hilton Disappointed Paris Broke Up With Sex-tape Star Jason Shaw | Mel Gibson’s New Leading Lady Releases Mel Gibson-directed Music Video | Quote Of The Day: Jimmy Kimmel Wants Less Of Britney's Personal Parts

Megan Fox Suffers Anxiety Attacks When Seeing Herself On Screen

Megan Fox is considered the hottest woman in the world and yet the sultry starlet suffers serious attacks when she catches a glimpse of herself on screen.

"I never (look at myself), even in still photographs. I don't look at anything," Fox told Tarts. "I panic if there is a monitor in the room I immediately go into like an anxiety attack. I'm insecure, I think most actors are pretty insecure."

And even though the 23-year-old seems to lead a low-key life as far from the limelight as possible, she does feel she’s becoming a victim of over-exposure.

PHOTOS: Click here to see photos of Megan Fox.

"There are people who get clearly over-hyped. I was in one movie and in my opinion I should not be famous at all," she added. "But the movie ('Transformers') was really successful and whatever part I served in it, I did. And it happened."

And like it or not, Fox is finding the hardest part of being in the spotlight simply learning to keep her mouth closed.

"I'm not coping very well with all this," the Tennessee-born beauty said as she stared around at the hoopla of the premiere during the Los Angeles Film Festival on Monday night. "Really I'm insane and I don't know how to control my mouth, but I'm working on it."

PHOTOS: Click here to see photos of Fox's movie-premiere style.

Kathy Hilton Disappointed Paris Broke Up With Sex-tape Star Jason Shaw

Paris Hilton and former flame Doug Reinhardt were hot and heavy for four months (there was even proposal rumors) but it doesn't sound as though things were ever really serious between the reality star duo.

"I don’t really know what went wrong, I don't know him well enough," Kathy Hilton told Tarts at last week’s Official NBA Championship Victory Party at the Nokia Theater. "I actually only met him a couple times."

So what and who should her daughter be dating?

"Paris needs to have someone strong enough; Paris is in love with the idea of being in love. Nicky and David have their own separate lives, they're very close but they have their own businesses. He doesn't get in the middle of hers and she doesn't get in the middle of his, they come together at the end of the day and they have a wonderful relationship," mama Hilton enthused.

But when it comes to Paris’s long, long list of ex-boyfriends her mother has one stand out.

"Jason Shaw, he was my favorite," she added. "It's important for her to find someone that has their own business."

Hilton and Shaw were engaged from mid 2002 to early 2003 and he starred in one of her infamous sex tapes.

But back to Reinhardt, what went wrong between the Tinseltown twosome?

"Paris gets bored pretty easily," said a source close to the hotel heiress. "And everyone thought she was too good for him, so there was pressure."

Mel Gibson’s New Leading Lady Releases Mel Gibson-directed Music Video

Oksana Grigorieva may be carrying Mel Gibson’s child, but that isn't stopping the Russian songstress from doing all she can to build a career of her own.

On Monday, Grigorieva launched the music video of her debut single "Say My Name" (yes, it sounds familiar, as that same title put Destiny’s Child on the map nine years ago) and as incentive for people to download the Mel Gibson-directed video it is totally free-of-charge.

"This video was shot in black and white to reflect the mourning of something irreplaceable that was lost," Grigorieva said in a statement. "It’s spare nature emphasizes the voice, the piano and it's heart."

The classically-trained pianist released the "Say My Name" track last week which pretty much fell under the radar, so will the release of the sultry video be enough to score some attention?

Quote Of The Day: Jimmy Kimmel Wants Less Of Britney's Personal Parts

Hollywood is saturated with overexposed stars and starlets, but there is one pretty personal body part on a pretty pop princess that Jimmy Kimmel would like to see less of.

"Who needs less exposure? Britney Spears's v——-," Kimmel told Tarts last week.