Media Reacts to Obama's Nobel Peace Prize Win

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

A Nobel Choice?

Immediately after the announcement that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, the reaction came flowing in. And while some media outlets were quick to characterize with — a broad brush — Republican reaction as sour grapes, here were some not-so-conservative media outlets' initial takes: Air America correspondent Ana Marie Cox wrote on Twitter, "Apparently Nobel Prizes are now being awarded to anyone who is not George Bush." Jennifer Loven at the Associated Press wrote: "He Won, But For What?"

Washington Post blogger Ezra Klein joked on Twitter: "Obama also awarded Nobel Prize in chemistry. 'He's just got great chemistry,' says Nobel committee." The Daily Beast's Peter Beinart wrote: "I like Barack Obama as much as the next liberal, but this is a farce." And Michael Russnow wrote on the Huffington Post that he too is an Obama supporter but, "Whatever Happened to Awarding for Deeds Actually Done?" Russnow likens the "extremely premature" award to "giving an Oscar to a young director for films we hope that he or she will produce."

This year's Peace Prize nominees included 172 people and 33 organizations, the highest number of nominations ever. Among those who reportedly lost to President Obama include two formerly jailed Chinese dissidents. Another is a female Afghan doctor who is outspoken for women's rights and has been threatened for questioning Sharia law. Zimbabwean opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai was also on the list, as was a Colombian politician who helped secure the release of 16 hostages and was kidnapped herself ten years ago.

Show Me the Money

Despite the sluggish economy, the third quarter of this year has meant big bucks for at least three politicians.

The Politico says South Carolina Republican Joe Wilson who famously shouted "You Lie!" at the President during a joint address to Congress, has raised $2.7 million since that outburst. That also created an opportunity for his Democratic challenger Rob Miller, who raised more than $1.5 million last month alone.

And Florida Democrat Alan Grayson was criticized by many for saying Republican's health care plan was "die quickly." Well that quickly raised him some cash. He says since last week, he's raised hundreds of thousands of dollars.

— FOX News Channel's Lanna Britt contributed to this report.