Maryland Governor 'Debunks' Multiculturalism

A Maryland McDonald's restaurant may seem like an unlikely place for a battle over multiculturalism (search), but it has become just that. The controversy was sparked when the state's Democratic comptroller tried to order a meal, but couldn't because the clerk spoke Spanish.

The comptroller, former Maryland Democratic Gov. William Donald Schaefer (search), described it as an affront to American assimilation and was criticized for attacking multiculturalism.

"Most public officials won't speak up; they're worried about the vote. Well, it's about time somebody said something about America," said Schaefer, who declared he would not eat at another McDonald's.

Maryland's Republican Gov. Robert Ehrlich (search) used the controversy to weigh in on the broader issue of multiculturalism and the role he says it plays in undermining the American melting pot.

Most politicians try to avoid the topic of multiculturalism, believing that it is too controversial and likely to attract editorial condemnation. Schaefer, however, is undeterred, even bringing bumper stickers to a press conference on Wednesday that said: "Schaefer: He Says What You Think."

Click here to watch a report by Fox News' Major Garrett.