Many Viewers Equate the Measure of a Man by the Size of His Tax Bill

There are many viewers like Jack who equate the measure of a man by the size of his tax bill.

I guess the assumption is the more you pay, the bigger your heart.

Whether that giving is compulsory or not.

I think it's fair to say that I know a great deal about the travails of life than you state, Jack.

But this isn't about me.

This is about us.

And our assumptions. And the widely held view that those who resent giving more to the government are somehow against giving, period. They're not.

You might be surprised, Jack, that even Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, who share your view the rich should pay more in taxes, don't always volunteer the same.

After all, Bill could have just written a bigger check to Uncle Sam if he thought it would help save the world. He didn't.

Or he could set up his own foundation and do it far more efficiently himself, so he did.

And so did his buddy Warren, convinced Bill could do a lot more good with his money than Uncle Sam could with his money. So he's giving all his money to Bill, not Sam.

Since you know nothing of my charitable contributions, I'll be charitable when I tell you, Jack, you're the one being shallow.

You assume illness, which sometimes makes me lose control of my body, has somehow made me lose control of my senses.

It hasn't. It's made me more impatient with systems that don't work and tired, old arguments that don't matter.

So you have the nerve to question my heart because I question, period.

Sorry, but you don't know Jack.

I may be sick, but I know this much.

Your argument is sicker.

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