Man Collapses With Ruptured Appendix Weeks After Doctors 'Took It Out'

A 35-year-old man from Britain thought his days of excruciating pain were over when he underwent an appendectomy on July 7 – but it turns out doctors never removed his appendix at all, London's Daily Mail reported.

As a result, a month after the procedure, Mark Wattson collapsed when his appendix ruptured.

Wattson claims doctors at Great Western Hospital in Swindon, England told him the surgery was a "success" when they discharged him the first time.

However, on August 7, Wattson was taken back to the same hospital by paramedics and doctors told him his appendix had burst. He would need "another" emergency appendectomy.

"I couldn't believe what I was hearing," Wattson told the newspaper. "I told these people I had my appendix out just four weeks earlier, but there it was on the scanner screen for all to see."

Wattson underwent another surgery in which his appendix was finally removed.

"I have no idea what they did take out, but I want to find out what went wrong," Wattson said.

Paul Gearing, deputy general manager for general surgery at Great Western Hospital NHS Trust, told the Daily Mail that the hospital apologizes if Wattson felt "dissatisfied with the care he received."

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