Man Ambushed by Own Personal Ad

Lance Archibald got the shock of his life the other day while heading down the freeway.

There alongside Interstate 15 in Lindon, Utah, was a billboard bearing his own smiling face — and the words "I'm Lance! Let's go out!"

"His eyes got bigger, and he leaned forward and said, 'What in the world?'" Archibald's co-worker Noelle Bates told the Deseret Morning News.

Turns out his colleagues at Lindon-based LogoWorks, a graphic-design firm, thought Lance, at 31, was getting a bit long in the tooth to stay single — and created the very visible personal ad.

"It kind of came out of discussions we had that Lance is such a good guy, but not married," said LogoWorks CEO Morgan Lynch. "Someone threw out the idea of getting a billboard."

Next to Archibald's smiling, Matthew Broderick-esque mug on the roadside ad — and the Web site viewers are directed to, — are his credentials, each accompanied by a check mark: "Returned Missionary," "ex-BYU Basketball Player," "Harvard MBA" and "Loves Kids."

There's a fifth item, "Sense of Humor," but that's prefaced by a question mark, and the man of the moment does seem a little irritated by the spotlight.

"We wouldn't say he has LIKED the attention," admits the Frequently Asked Questions page on the Web site, which has already gotten hundreds of hits. "but he's been cool about it and so far no revenge has been taken."

Archibald certainly doesn't sound like he's in a rush to get to the altar.

"I'm not overly concerned about [marriage]," he told the Deseret Morning News. "I'm pretty happy right now. I'd like to get married, but it's not a concern."

— Thanks to Out There readers Gordon T. and Ron S.

Beware the Naked Foot Tickler

NEW SMYRNA BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Police are on the lookout for the naked tickler.

Investigators said they believe one man could be responsible for a series of bizarre break-ins in which a naked man enters victims' rooms while they are sleeping and tries to tickle their feet.

The naked tickler struck again in New Smyrna Beach twice last weekend.

Investigators have been working on five similar, unsolved cases since 2001. Each time, the man ran off after being noticed. Most of the victims are women over age 60, said police Cmdr. Wade Kirby.

Kirby said police know only that the suspect is white, thin and appears young.

"There's not been a lot to go on there," he said.

New Smyrna Beach is 44 miles northeast of Orlando.

— Thanks to Out There readers Melissa B., Kris P., Ashley M. and Harris N.

ATV Riders Hurt at Funeral of Man Killed on ATV

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (AP) — Two mourners who rode an all-terrain vehicle (search) to the service for a man killed in an ATV accident were injured in a similar accident as they were leaving.

Jimmy Spry, 20, and Maggan Phillips were not wearing helmets Wednesday when Spry lost control of the ATV and hit a tree, said Clinton Burley of the Ceredo Volunteer Fire Department (search).

They were attending the burial service of Phillips' brother, Dustin "Duke" Phillips, 21. He died early last Saturday from severe head injuries after his ATV hit a tree, said Barry Wellman of the Lavalette Volunteer Fire Department.

Spry was taken to a hospital in Huntington, which would not release his condition Thursday morning. Phillips suffered minor injuries and was not hospitalized, Burley said.

West Virginia's ATV safety law bans the use of the vehicles on paved roads with center lines and requires helmets for riders under the age of 18.

Spry and Phillips were on a paved road, but it was not immediately clear if any citations were issued. Ceredo Police Chief Jack Butcher did not immediately return a telephone message Thursday.

— Thanks to Out There reader Greg M.

Penguin Destined to Be a Sportscaster

PITTSBURGH (AP) — Double Yoi! There's a mini-Myron waddling around Pittsburgh.

The Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium (search) has named its newest arrival, a fluffy gentoo penguin, after retired Pittsburgh Steelers radio announcer Myron Cope (search).

The chick had gone without a name since it hatched June 28, but the zoo on Thursday announced it would be named in honor of Cope, the one-of-a-kind, screechy-voiced broadcaster who announced his retirement last month.

The zoo doesn't know the chick's sex yet. If it turns out to be a girl, the zoo will call her Myra.

"I am thrilled to have this penguin named after me," Cope said. "It's almost like being knighted."

Wild gentoo penguins (search) can be found in the Antarctic Peninsula, the sub-Antarctic Islands, the Falkland Islands and the Kerguelen archipelago in the southern Indian Ocean.

Cope called Steelers games for 35 years and used an assortment of odd phrases, from "Yoi!" to "Garganzola" to "Cincy Bungles" — his name for the Cincinnati Bengals.

Skateboarder Sues Utility Over Manhole Branding

NEW YORK (AP) — A woman who was branded with letters from the Consolidated Edison logo when she fell off a skateboard onto a searing hot manhole cover in Manhattan last year filed a lawsuit Thursday seeking unspecified damages from the utility.

Elizabeth C. Wallenberg, 27, was burned just above her buttocks and on her left arm when she fell off her skateboard onto a cover over a steam pipe at Second Avenue and 13th Street in the East Village shortly after midnight on Aug. 11, 2004, said her lawyer Ronald Berman.

"It literally looked like a brand that had been applied by someone," Berman said about the burn marks left on Wallenberg's body.

He said she was treated for the injury in the Beth Israel Hospital (search) emergency room and released.

Wallenberg, then a Brooklyn resident who worked for Paper magazine, reportedly said she heard her skin sizzle and saw an "o" and an "n" from the hot cover impressed upon her body. Wallenberg has been told the scarring is permanent, Berman said.

The lawsuit, filed in Manhattan's state Supreme Court, accused Con Ed of "negligence, carelessness, recklessness and culpable conduct" related to Wallenberg's injuries.

Court papers said Wallenberg, now a factory worker who lives in Portland, Ore., is entitled to compensatory and punitive damages because of Con Ed's "reprehensible and egregious failure and refusal ... to protect the public from this manifestly clear and present danger."

Con Ed spokesman Chris Olert said he had no comment on the lawsuit.

Moose Discharged From Army Post

FORT CARSON, Colo. (AP) — Soldiers and state wildlife officers captured an intruder penetrating a fenced area on this Army post: a 500-pound female moose.

The Division of Wildlife said Thursday the moose had wandered into an area reserved for equipment that will be returning from Iraq, where more than 10,000 Fort Carson (search) soldiers are deployed.

"The location was less than ideal for a moose," said Steve Cooley, a wildlife manager for the Division of Wildlife.

The animal was taken to Grand Mesa, about 200 miles away in Western Colorado, where the Division of Wildlife is trying to re-establish a moose herd.

It was spotted Wednesday. Wildlife officers tranquilized it and loaded it into a trailer with the help of about a dozen soldiers.

Fort Carson, in Colorado Springs, provided 600 pounds of ice to put in the trailer to keep the moose cool for the drive through record-high temperatures.

Cooley said it wasn't clear how the moose got into Fort Carson, adjacent to Colorado Springs. He said moose are solitary animals known to roam hundreds of miles.

Compiled by's Paul Wagenseil.

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