Malin Akerman Shaved Off Her Eyebrows!

Malin Akerman Shaved Off Her Eyebrows! | Mess With Jamie Foxx And Expect A Gun To Your Head? | Sex Scandal Boosts Letterman’s Ratings | Dina Lohan Is the Latest 'Celebrity' Shoe Designer

Malin Akerman Shaved Off Her Eyebrows!

While the likes of Demi Moore, Hilary Swank and Natalie Portman have made it acceptable to shave your head for art’s sake, it seems Malin Akerman has brought the trend to the face. The rising starlet just wrapped "HappyThankYouMorePlease" in which she plays a girl suffering the hair-loss disease alopecia.

"I shaved my eyebrows off, they only just grew back," Akerman told Tarts at the premiere of her latest comedy "Couple’s Retreat." "It was so surreal; I felt like a different person. We filmed it. It was like going to the doctor and you don’t really want to take that needle but know you have to."

SLIDESHOW: Click here to see fashion's freakiest trend — models without their brows!

But surprisingly, the 31-year-old actually felt more physically attractive without those arches of beauty.

"I was a little nervous but the final look was kind of beautiful," she added. "I didn’t mind doing it, but I’d heard so many stories that eyebrows don’t grow back - that was the fear. But it was so interesting without eyebrows, when you’re in the shower everything just drips into your eyes and realize what function your eyebrows actually have."

Mess With Jamie Foxx And Expect a Gun to Your Head?

Jamie Foxx and Gerard Butler have teamed up to bring justice into their own hands in the new dramatic thriller "Law Abiding Citizens", but what would Mr. Foxx do in real life if a sociopath was messing with his family?

"I’m from Texas and we have gun racks on our truck so they already know," he told Tarts at the Hollywood premiere on Tuesday night. "You don’t ever want to be around me and hear that sound (makes the noise of a gun cocking) so that’s all I’m going to say…"

And although no violence was involved, Foxx did get himself in trouble with director F Gary Gray during filming.

"Jamie twisted his ankle playing basketball, not in the movie but while he was working out. There’s one scene where he is limping," Gray said. "I was completely mad at him for that, but we worked through it. I’m used to it, on the second day of ‘Italian Job’ Edward Norton broke his ankle and it still turned out great."

Sex Scandal Boosts Letterman’s Ratings

David Letterman’s personal life may be in disarray after he admitted to sleeping with his staff amid a $2 million extortion attempt, but the controversy has given the married comedian quite a boost in his professional life.

According to the Nielsen Company, Monday's show (in which Letterman spoke about the scandal for the second time) garnered around 5.7 million viewers, which was up 19 percent over the season average of 4.8 million viewers, and up 36 percent over last Monday's 4.2 million.

Last Thursday, when Letterman addressed the issue for the first time, was even higher and drew in an estimated 5.8 viewers.

Dina Lohan Is the Latest 'Celebrity' Shoe Designer

Despite daughter Lindsay Lohan’s not-so-successful launch as a fashion designer at Paris Fashion Week, mama Dina is still keeping her deal as a women’s shoe designer. It was announced on Wednesday that the "Living Lohan" star is creating her own line and becoming a national spokesmodel for

Oh, and in the press release Mrs. Lohan is even mentioned alongside other random A-list names as a "celebrity" shoe designer. Hmmm…

"Other celebrities that have sold millions of shoes include: Vanessa Hudgens, Jessica Simpson, Gwen Stefani, Star Jones, Carlos Santana and more," said the release.