Liza and David; Britney; the Donald; Kate Hudson

Liza and David are at it again, Kentwood, La., turns on Britney, the Donald takes on TV and Goldie's a grandma in today's Foxlight.

One half of the feuding team of Liza Minnelli (search) and David Gest (search) showed up in a New York courtroom Wednesday -- Liza. And, her lawyer is accusing Gest of hiding in Hawaii to avoid pre-trial questioning in their divorce case. Gest's lawyer says he's recuperating from what he says are Minnelli's frequent assaults and can't fly. How'd he get there? Swim? Minnelli wants Gest to return $2 million she says he stole. Did he really sell her piano on eBay? How'd I miss that?

If Britney Spears' (search) marriage was just a joke gone too far, the people in her hometown think the joke stinks. Kentwood, population 2,200, has been caught up in the media frenzy and is thinking, "What's Britney done for us lately?" One townie told reporters, "She's not building character. She's not a mentor to anyone." Tough room.

Every network wanted him. According to Donald Trump (search), reality TV wanted to follow him around and see how he brushes his teeth. That didn't interest him -- but his new show "The Apprentice" did. He says the 16 new contestants are both brilliant and stupid, depending on what task they're asked to master. And the firing? He says he's been doing it all his life, and he couldn't believe the reactions of some of the people. And do the women get a break from skirt-chasing Donald? He's not telling. He does say they're all beautiful.

Finally, after stinkers like "Alex and Emma," "Le Divorce," and "Four Feathers," Kate Hudson (search) finally has a winning production. She's a new mom. Congratulations to everyone except Goldie Hawn, who is now a grandmother. Nah, she's probably excited too.