Lithuanian Bed-Racers Make Good Time

A new sport that's best enjoyed lying down has taken Lithuania by storm.

Thousands of spectators jammed Vilnius' cobblestone streets onSunday to cheer on 100 teams of "bed racers" taking part in theLovuslalolamas-2001 competition.

Bed slalom, the creation of a few rowdy university students,challenges racers to navigate a 300-meter course where speed is valued over style.

Seventeen finalists were whittled down from the 100 teams. Every50 meters, they were required to stop to blow up a balloon and send a text message by mobile phone while one of their teammates reclined comfortably on their berth.

"The hardest thing was to run in the finals as it was a secondheat in short time for us," said Marek Dulko, who ultimately led his team to victory.

While the winners celebrated, the losing teams were already plotting to take their revenge in June, when Vilnius hosts "Bath Tub races 2001."