Limbaugh Attacks Prosecutors in Newspaper Ads

Rush Limbaugh (search) took out full-page ads in two Florida newspapers Thursday to attack prosecutors who are investigating whether he illegally purchased prescription painkillers.

In the ads, the conservative radio commentator renewed his accusations that the criminal investigation was politically motivated, and he accused one of the newspapers, The Palm Beach Post, of trying to discredit him to justify the investigation.

The ads also included a reprint of a favorable editorial from Sunday's edition of The Washington Times.

Limbaugh, who has not been charged with any crime, told listeners on Thursday that he bought the ads because "we just can't get our story out in the editorial pages of The Palm Beach Post." The other ad appeared in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel.

Post editor Edward Sears (search) said Limbaugh has never responded personally to his reporters' requests for comment. The paper has received comments from Limbaugh's representatives and his attorney, Roy Black.

"The Post has accurately and responsibly reported on both Mr. Limbaugh's admitted prescription drug abuse and the conflict between his lawyers and the state attorney's office," Sears said. "If he wants to get his story out, he's welcome to return our calls and talk to us."

State Attorney Barry Krischer (search), a Democrat, also declined to comment, but he has previously denied Limbaugh's allegations that the investigation is politically motivated.

The criminal investigation is on hold pending a decision from the 4th District Court of Appeal, which will rule whether to release Limbaugh's medical records. Investigators seized the documents last fall, but they were sealed after Limbaugh's attorneys argued the seizure violated his privacy rights.

Prosecutors argue they need the records to determine whether Limbaugh illegally "doctor shopped" to obtain pain pills, visiting several doctors to receive duplicate prescriptions.

Limbaugh admitted his addiction to prescription painkillers in October, saying it stemmed from severe back pain. He took a five-week leave from his afternoon radio show to enter a rehabilitation program. By then, prosecutors had already begun their criminal investigation after learning from Limbaugh's former maid that she had allegedly supplied him with large quantities of pills for years.