
What's in the House and Senate health care bills that is not in the Constitution? The redistribution of wealth.

Barack Obama told us he was a believer in that concept during the campaign:


THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BARACK OBAMA: It's not that I want to punish your success, I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance at success too. And I think that when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody.


That didn't faze most Americans. They're looking for something much bigger, I guess.

According to CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf: "I concluded the talk by emphasizing that fiscal policy is on an unsustainable path to an extent that cannot be solved by minor tinkering."

None of these people advising the president or writing these bills in Congress, are advocating small changes. We're talking about massive, sweeping changes.

Americans showed up by the hundreds of thousands at the various tea parties to demand that Congress stop their out of control spending and debt. But look at these bills — 2,000 pages? They are fundamentally transforming America in these pages. They are not interested in minor tinkering — these are massive changes to our way of life.

The Senate plans to pass this mess before Christmas. The time is now to stand up or the decision will be made for you.

I know you don't want to believe any of this – neither do I. But we've shown you who the president has surrounded himself with. These are not free-market system lovers who just want to increase America's prosperity.

We showed America the admiration that White House Communications Director Anita Dunn has for China's brutal communist dictator — Chairman Mao – one of the two people she said she turned to most:


ANITA DUNN, INTERIM WHITE HOUSE COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR: Mao Tse Tung and Mother Teresa, not often coupled with each other, but the two people that I turn to the most.


The response from other media outlets? Nothing. In fact, they just keep reporting her continued attacks on Fox News – which she renewed over the weekend, even as she heads out the door.

Then there's manufacturing "czar" Ron Bloom:


RON BLOOM, MANUFACTURING "CZAR": We know that the free market is nonsense.

We kind of agree with Mao, that political power comes largely from the barrel of a gun.


We've told you that Internet "czar" Susan Crawford was a member of an international socialist group and of course is a huge advocate of the so-called "Net neutrality" movement – a movement spearheaded by the Marxist "Free Press" organization.

There's the lovely and talented FCC diversity "czar" Mark Lloyd – not a fan of free speech, but a huge fan of the socialist/Marxist revolution in Venezuela:


MARK LLOYD, FCC DIVERSITY "CZAR": In Venezuela, with Chavez, really an incredible revolution — a Democratic revolution.


We can't forget science and technology "czar" John Holdren, who also spoke of wealth redistribution:


JOHN HOLDREN, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY "CZAR": The rate of growth of material consumption is going to have to come down, and there's going to have to be a degree of redistribution of how much we consume, in terms of energy and material resources, in order to leave room for people who are poor to become more prosperous.


So, it's not just redistributing the wealth of America's wealthiest to America's poorest. Holdren is suggesting global redistribution of America's wealth. We take the wealth of our nation and send it to Third World countries.

Now you're not just talking about confiscating a few bucks from Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to give to some lazy slob that refuses to get off the couch and get a job. Now you're talking about spreading America's wealth to nations that don't have any wealth at all — and that affects all of us.

And science "czar" John Holdren isn't the only one talking about it. Andy Stern, head of SEIU and the top guest at Obama's White House, is a huge fan of spreading America's wealth and reciting communist slogans. Here's what Stern, who practically lives at the White House, believes:


ANDY STERN, SEIU PRESIDENT: Our workers can have a chance to share in prosperity.

So the question is, how is everyone going to share in the wealth?

Workers of the world unite, it's not just a slogan anymore, it's the way we're gonna have to do our work.

I got in trouble for saying this with Glenn Beck but, I said workers of the world unite is not just a slogan anymore it's a way we're gonna have to do our work.


Andy Stern, who has visited Obama at the White House 22 times that we know of, presumably to advise the President on important issues — including health care — has repeated over and over his conviction that there must be wealth redistribution.

Not only that, but we have startling new audio from him, that we've been working with Breitbart TV to bring to you next week.

One of the things Andy Stern has said is that he knows there are "undocumented workers" who are members of his union. He knows they have illegal aliens at SEIU, not only from Latin America, but from all over the world.

He knows he's breaking the law.

What do you think is going on here? Stern is already driving down wages to bring us in line with the rest of the world and he's already increasing his membership around the world.

He is working on adding millions of members to his union rolls and he couldn't care less about where they come from, how they got here, what their motives and goals are or how it helps or hurts America.

Workers of the world unite!

Andy Stern is in this for Andy Stern.

Let's look at this logically. What was the problem at GM? Was it the product? No, GM builds great cars. The problem was that their really bad management entered in labor union agreements they couldn't afford. They were paying hundreds of thousands of people who no longer worked for them. It got to the point where it was so expensive to build their cars that they couldn't make it work anymore. They had to outsource their jobs.

And now, they're saying we should globalize? We need to spread our wealth around?

There are 3 billion people on Earth make less than $2.50 a day. So let me ask you a simple question: Which is more likely: That we'll be able to bring the rest of the world up to our standard, going from 75 cents a day to making over $300 a day? Or, is it more likely that the one really expensive country with the very high standard of living, will have to be brought down, to be more in line with everyone else?

You know the answer!

You might be thinking, OK, maybe Andy Stern has some ulterior motives and sure, he has shown up at the White House more than anyone else on Earth – still, that doesn't mean he and President Obama are on the same page, necessarily.


OBAMA: I've spent my entire adult life working with SEIU. I'm not a newcomer to this.


Hmm. They do seem to be on the same page. And it does seem like Obama is trying to overwhelm the system right now with massive new government takeover programs — look at these bills.

Health care and the stimulus — and cap-and-trade bill is coming soon. On top of all of that, he's also saying that he's getting ready to try to jam amnesty down our throats again — right in line with what Andy Stern is saying.

Why, in the middle of the heated health care reform debate — and the cap-and-trade bill — would you also try for immigration, too? That's nuts!

Or is there a method to their madness? Could they be looking at the 20 million illegal aliens, who would suddenly be made U.S. citizens, as new American taxpayers who could then help foot the bill for all the rest of their plans? It would drive down wages and drive up tax revenues with tens of millions of new tax filers?

Look, Obama is insisting on all of this at once – his entire transformation of America package, all within the first year of his administration. Everything must happen right now or we're doomed. At the same time, he can't even make a decision on what to do for our troops in Afghanistan, even with a request from his general on the ground for more troops, sitting on his desk since August.

What we're talking about is the end of our way of life. They want to control you. That's not some wild conspiracy tale — they already control the banks, the auto industry, most mortgages in this country. They will have to ability to control the temperature inside your home with the passage of the cap-and-trade bill. And now they're trying to take control of one sixth of the U.S. economy — health care. They're talking about taking over the Internet in the name of "neutrality" — who asked them to? Where's the problem there?

They are moving at the speed of light. We need to get up off of our couches and get into their offices. Call your senators; show up in their office — peacefully and politely, but get there!

If we don't stop this now, Obama will succeed in his goal to "fundamentally transform" America.

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel