Lawyer: Judge Orders Release of Kalpoes

A judge on Friday ordered the conditional release of two Surinamese brothers held in the disappearance of an Alabama teenager, their lawyers said. The two will be freed Saturday along with another suspect.

The judge ruled that Deepak Kalpoe (search), 18, and Satish Kalpoe (search), 21, could go free on condition that they not leave Aruba and remain available to police, said attorneys Ruud Oomen and David Kock.

The court on Thursday had ordered Dutch teenager Joran van der Sloot (search) to be released as well.

Beth Holloway Twitty, the mother of missing Natalee Holloway (search), said she was dismayed by the move.

"I'm devastated," she said, adding she would not comment further until the three suspects were released.

Attempts to reach prosecutors for comment were unsucessful.

Holloway, 18, was last seen May 30, leaving a bar with van der Sloot and the Kalpoes hours before she was to catch a flight home from a vacation to celebrate her high school graduation.

Van der Sloot has admitted to being alone with the young woman on a beach the night she vanished. He has said he left there alone and did not harm her.

Numerous searches throughout the Dutch Caribbean territory have produced no trace of Holloway.