Lawmakers Should Just Admit They Were Wrong

What's wrong with simply saying, "I'm wrong"?

I botched it.

I thought spending money would get us out of a mess, and now it looks like I've created an even bigger mess.

What's wrong with saying things ain't right?

I thought they'd be better but they're not.

I thought the government couldn't possibly mess things up more and it did.

What's wrong with saying, I started too fast.

And thought I knew too much.

What's wrong with saying health care means enough to come up with a plan of my own, than rely on cockamamie schemes others have tried to make my own?

What's wrong with saying I put my trust in government checks to folks alive and well, and never envisioned thousands of checks to folks very much dead and buried?

What's wrong with saying I want to right the course, even though I've already committed a lot of money to the current course?

What's wrong with saying, I've wasted money on the old course. But I'd waste a lot more continuing on that course?

What's wrong with showing up your opposition for failing to admit their own wrongs, just as you're freely admitting your own?

Americans are remarkably forgiving, even for politicians who've shown a remarkable penchant for cleaning out their wallets.

But they think well of the politician who admits a mistake now, than grudgingly confess it in a tell-all autobiography later.

No, the time to admit wrongs is now.

And the time to correct those wrongs is now.

Just say it. Loudly. Clearly.

I made a big mess, and I'm here to tell you I ain't gonna make it bigger.

Just say it: "This isn't about saving my presidency. This is about saving our country."

Do that, Mr. President, and you still might have time… to save both.

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